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Sal's POV

The next morning I decided to sneak out of the hotel room and go for a walk by myself.

It was still snowing and the streets were busier than most days. Most likely Christmas shoppers, Speaking of which I still need to get everyone's gift.

I decided to walk into a small cafe that I saw across the street.

Once inside I was immediately hit with the strong smell of coffee beans and the warm and comforting aura.

"Hello! What can I get for you today?"

"Hi! Two lattes please"

"Coming right up!"

The girl immediately started on the drinks and I went and waited at a table.

I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

"Sal fisher?"

I looked up.

"Um yeah that's me? Can I help you?"

"No way I thought you moved away forever."

Yeah I had absolutely no clue who the hell this was.

"May I ask who you are?"

He chuckled.

"Sorry should have re-introduced myself, it's me kai Aaron."

Of fucking course it's one of the pricks from middle school.

"Ohh yeah I remember now."

"I was afraid you wouldn't for a moment, it's crazy seeing you again. I thought you left for good last I heard."

"Aha yeahh I just moved back like this week."

"Nice! Also not to be like a weirdo and shit but I noticed the ring on your hand. Got a wife?"

Oh no-

"I actually just got engaged last night, been together for 4 years now"

Ok good I dodged the gender reveal. Not that I was embarrassed of travis or anything, I just don't think my middle school bully needs to know my love life.

"Well congratulations, never thought that would happen"

He laughed.

I just stared at him awkwardly.

"Two lattes for Sal fisher?!"

I nodded and got up.

"Well it was "nice" seeing you Kai, maybe I'll see you around."

"Bye sally face!"

I sighed and walked over to the counter. I grabbed the coffees and went back to the hotel.

——Back at the hotel——

I walked in and travis was nowhere to be found. He was probably in the bathroom.



"I'm back!"

"Ok I'll be out in a second just have to fix my hair."

I nodded even though he couldn't see and set the coffee's on the small table.

Soon he walked over to me and hugged me from behind.


I looked up and smiled.


"I meant to text you and tell you I saw the note I got side tracked."


"Ash and Todd came by and bombarded me with questions about the engagement."

I giggled.

He let go of me and laid across the bed.

"Oh hey I got you a coffee by the way."

His head immediately shot up. I grabbed one of the coffees and handed it to him.

"Thank you!"


I sat next to him and cuddled next to his side.

"What should we do today?"

"Christmas shopping?"


——Later That Day——

Ash and Todd decided to join me and Travis's shopping trip. I didn't mind, more the merrier.

We went to the mall and I was able to find gifts for everyone. Luckily it didn't take to long.

We were at the food court when I noticed someone walking towards us. It so happened to be kai, again.

"Uh guys I think I'm ready to go now."

"Everything alright Sal?"

Everyone looked at me concerned.

"Y-yeah let's just go, I think I'm pretty tired an-"

"Hey sally!"

I turned beside me and saw kai standing there, now with a blonde at his side.

"What a coincidence we see eachother twice."

Damn it.

"Oh sal who's this?"

Ash looked at me with a smile.

"Everybody this is kai, he's a guy I knew back in middle school."

"Nice to meet you everyone, this here is my wife Cindy"


"Heh well it was "great" seeing you again kai but we were just about to-"

"Oh don't even worry about it, we still got some shopping to do. Talk to you soon!"

They walked off and immediately everyone gave me a questioning look.

I sighed.

"Kai is one of the main boys from middle school who would bully me, it's not a big deal anymore I guess."

"He mentioned you already saw him today?"

Todd gave me a concerned glare.

"Yeah I went to a coffee shop earlier and saw him there."

Todd nodded in approval of my answer.

I looked over at travis and he seemed lost in thought.


"Huh? Oh yeah what did you say?"

"That was kai, some prick from middle school."

"I heard that part, sorry I just spaced out."

"It's okay. Let's just head back to the hotel."

They nodded in agreement. Once we stood up I took Travis's hand and looked at him and gave him a reassuring look.

Todd and ash were ahead of us talking about a new fashion like that just dropped. Didn't seem like they planned to be quiet anytime soon.

"You alright Sal?"


"I just wanna make sure that kai dude didn't make you uncomfortable or something."

"Yeah, I'm okay. I know he can't hurt me or anything."

He smiled and we continued following after ash and Todd.

——Author Note——
Angst begins now

Anyways hope you enjoyed I'll see you in the next chapter!

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