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Hey before we get into this please read my latest announcement on my message board!

Sal's POV

Finally after that long 21+ hour drive we made it to New York.

I don't remember how long we're staying in New York before moving into the new apartments but I was excited that we were staying in the city.

We got to the hotel and we all went to our rooms.

Me and Travis were exhausted and took a 3 hour nap. When we woke up larry was knocking on our door.

"Oh hey Larry, what's up?"

"We were wondering if you and Travis wanted to maybe go and check out the city a bit."

"I think I'll pass, sorry dude I'm still exhausted"

"Don't worry about it, see you later."

"Bye Lar-bear!"

I shut the door and walk back to the bed and face plant into the sheets. Travis walks out of the bathroom. His hair is dripping water.

"Did you fall into the toilet or something?"

"No I slipped and accidentally turned on the faucet and yeah."


He sighed and laid down next to me.

"I'm bored"

"Me to"

"We could go up to the rooftop and view the city."

I nodded and went over by the door and grabbed my shoes. We walked out to the hallway and went to the elevator.

I've been focused on something lately and it's making me loose my mind almost. Travis has been acting differently, almost like he's hiding something.

I know it's probably not my place to ask about and he will just turn me down and say it's nothing.

Honestly I'm worried about him. He bottles things up and I'm scared for what will happen when it finally gets to much.


"Huh what?"

I was shooken out of my thoughts and was met with Travis's eyes looking at me confused.

"Sorry I spaced out."

"It's fine but are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You just seemed like something was bothering you."

"No I'm alright."


Just on cue we got to the rooftop. It was very beautiful and well decorated. Fairy lights were nicely hung and there were a few tables and small flower gardens.


Me and Travis walked over to a bench next to the railing and sat down. I laid my head against his shoulder and we just watched the excitement of the city below.



"Did you realize Christmas is only like 10 day's away"

"It totally slipped my mind, we've just been so busy with moving and stuff."

"just reminding you."

He looked over at me and smiled softly. His hair was dried by now and it fluffed out.

"Your hairs all wild"

I took my hand and ran it through his hair.

"That's kinda gay fisher"

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