Chapter 2: Please

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Mikasa's POV

"Eren let go! You are hurting me!" I tried to get away from him but his grip only tightened.

"Not when you talk to me first." He says and my eyebrows met.

"What are you saying? I am already talking here." I hissed and he still didn't let go of me.

It was already night time and the cold breeze of the salt air hit the both of us as he pulled me towards the seashore under the stars and moonlight.

This looks so familiar except it was not beside the sea, it was field of grass full of flowers. I felt a pang of ache slammed my heart as he continued walking not talking to me.

"Eren please." I said as he slowly let go of my hand and faced me.

He looked to my eyes. His hair is flowing with the wind together with my hair and dress. Silence enveloped the two of us. The atmosphere is suffocating.

"Why did you leave me?"

His first words struck my soul like I was hit by a lightning. My breath hitched as I looked towards the sea. I was holding my tears so he won't see it.

"Answer me Mikasa. Why did you leave me?" His voice became louder this time.

I can sense the anger in Eren's tone. Who wouldn't? I left him that day without a single word.

"I thought we already moved on.." I started but he cut it off immediately.

"I didn't. I deserve an explanation. Why did you choose to leave me?!" His voice is so full of conviction and I felt weak.

I felt tears streaming down my face. Shit. Even my own self betrayed me.

I immediately wiped my tears and looked at him. His expressions changed. He has pain, anger, and hope in his eyes.

"Please Mikasa talk to me like we used to." His tone was broken.

I felt so guilty about leaving him that day but it was necessary. He doesn't know the reason why but I know he will find out soon. I have to stand up on my own or it will continue to torment me.

"I don't think we need to discuss this anymore Eren. What happened in the past can't be mended." I said as I tried to walk away but he stopped me.

"Mikasa please." Eren begs as he held my hand.

He pulled me towards him which made me shock unable to move.

He pulled me into a hug and I was surprised. Tears accidentally fell out of my eyes again as I felt the familiar warmth in my chest.

"I missed you. I missed you so much Mikasa I thought I would die." He hugged me tightly. I felt tears on my back.

He was crying too.

I didn't move. I didn't hug him back.

I don't want to make this harder for him and to the both of us.

It's better if I stay away and fulfill my duties.

"Eren. You need to let go now." I tried to get away from him but he didn't move.

"Eren.." I called and he still didn't let me go.

"Mikasa. I know I've hurt you countless of times. I did it because I wanted to forget you so bad. But I can't. I can't hide away from the truth forever that I love you so much." He hiccups as he held me tightly in his arms and my tears started to flow again.

Why Eren?

"That day. I didn't know where you were. I looked for you everywhere, even in our favorite place but you weren't there. I was going insane." He continued to confess.

"Eren.." I called but he continued talking.

My tears are overflowing.

"I even called our friends, every one of them to ask where you were but they didn't know. I tried to get help to look for you but you are nowhere to be found. That's when I knew I lost you." He caressed my hair and I felt him kiss it.

"Eren you won't understand." I started but he still continues.

"And you came back to us like nothing happened. You didn't even say anything to me." I cried even harder as I felt his voice drop.

I bit my lip and slowly patted his back. I don't want him to get the wrong idea.

"Eren. I'm sorry but I have to do it." My shaky breath still managed to say though my whole body is cold. I froze and he noticed it.

He took his coat off and put it on me.

"You're cold. Like always." He smiles and I felt my heart break.

Tears fell from my eyes once again and he wiped them.

"Eren. I don't deserve this." I felt my tone falter as I saw his face, my vision getting blurry.

"Don't cry. You deserve everything." He pulled me to a hug once again and I cried harder.

"Mikasa. From the day you left me. I realized that I can't last a day without you." He breathes shakily.

"I never cared about anyone else like this except mom. Damn it! I can't live without you." He whispers and I nodded.

"Mikasa..I am ready to forget everything. I am ready to lose everything for you. I love you. Please stay with me." He wipes my tears and kissed my forehead.

I stayed silent and my heart is beating erratically.

"Eren..We can't be together." I started. I heard his gasp as he slowly loosened his grip around me.

"But why Mikasa? We can just run away together. I will take care of you. Just don't leave me again. Please." He pleads as he looked at me.

"I have duties Eren. I can't... I can't be with you..." I breathed as the tears continued to run down my face and he stared in shock.

"What do you mean? Am I not enough for you huh Mikasa?" He asks. There was no emotion on his statement.

I felt like my heart is ripped into pieces. Is he giving up? Shit.

"No. I-I never said that Eren.." I reached out to him but he stepped back.

"Stop. What am I to you Mikasa?" He asks and I swallowed the lump on my throat.

"Why do you care about me so much before but you act like I am nothing now? Just what am I to you?" His voice is laced with anger as he asked me.

I shut my eyes.

"Eren....You-You'" I said and I ran away from him.

I didn't dare to look back. I don't want to see him suffering.

If I look back then I won't be able to carry on. I won't be able to hold back my feelings anymore.

"Mikasaaaaaaaaaa!" I heard him yell from afar but I didn't listen.

I continued running until I reached the hotel back.

I immediately called Kiyomi as I headed to the car where my driver is waiting.

"We will go to Japan tomorrow." I said as I hopped in.

"Yes, Lady Mikasa." The driver says and that's where I lost it.

I cried all the way to my rest house while clinging to Eren's coat. His scent lingering on his coat made it even terrible. I miss him already. But I have do it. Someday, he will understand. I hope someday, he will forgive me.

You don't know but you are my everything, Eren.

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