Chapter 7: Talent

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Mikasa's POV

"Mikasa you will be cheerleader this coming sports festival." The coach excitedly announced as soon as every cheer dancers came to the gym.

"What? Why me?!" I exclaimed and I protested. I thought it was Historia?

"Yes. Because of your unbelievable balancing and gymnastics skills. We appointed you and everyone agreed." He coach says.

"B-But...This can still be changed right?" I protested but they shake their heads.

I'm doomed.

Why does they want me to be in this place?! Mom... Carla... Help me....

"Mikasaaa! Go for it! You are the best dancer among us after all!" Historia cheered with Sasha and Ymir was smiling there.

What the...Even my friends?

"This is going to be a fantastic festival because after the showdown in this school. The winner will be the one to represent our school to compete for other schools!" He coach cheered and everyone went excited.

"Of course. This year level have to win first. And we need you Miss Ackerman! We trust you on this." The coach looked so hopeful in front of me and I would feel guilty if I decline now. I don't want them hating me.

I sighed and nodded.

Everyone cheered and we immediately started practicing the basic cheerleading steps and did the flips.

Growing up with Eren really taught me how to survive his playful tactics like having a wrestling match him until Carla sees us. Punishing the two of us by not getting milk and cookies at night.

Surprisingly I always win and I would always apologize for him the last.

I sighed. What a heavy role being a leader is? Can I do it?

"Okay everyone now for the next part." I instructed as they made a new formation.

We practiced and practiced until it was already 5. Time to go home.

I went to my locker to change. My body was drenched in sweat. Everyone bid their goodbyes and I was the one left. Finally time to get fresh.

"Mikasaaa just how long are you going to--"

Fuck. It's Eren!

The door was left hanged open and I was just wearing a bra exposing my abs and cleavage when he suddenly went there.

I immediately turned back and so is he.

"You never really learned how to knock. God Eren this is a girl's locker room!" I immediately put my shirt on and closed my locker.

"I-I didn't really know you are changing. Everyone told me you are still here. Sorry." He says and I went to him.

His face was flushed. So am I.

Even if we frantically live together, we never dress up in front of each other. We have privacy and we always sleep in separate rooms.

"I got a really big problem you know. I don't know how to say this to Carla." I facepalmed.

He laughed as he made his way towards the parking lot and I followed.

"I've got good news! Me, Connie, Jean, and Marco are part of the school's rugby team! We're varsity!" He then jumped with joy as only few students were left.

It was almost dark. It's gonna be like this for the rest of the year I guess?

"I can't believe I will cheer you. I hope you win idiot!" I smiled as I opened the car door.

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