Chapter 58: You Think

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WARNING: Mature content ahead. Read at your own risk. You may skip this chapter if you want.


Mikasa's POV

"Eren..I want to say something first.." I said slowly which made him stopped kissing me.

I know he was so desperate to touch me again but I don't know if my guilt can bear the fact that his relationship with his family are not good and I want to clear what's going on my mind already.

He slowly backed away and went silent for a while. Here we go again.

"After 6 years seriously." Eren sighed as he stood in front of me and watched the entirety of his room.

I didn't move an each as memories of what I did before I first went to Japan resurfaced in my mind once again. I sneak into his room that night and made love with him here and just when we came back here, he even started kissing me again.

I stood up straight as he went to his Goku nendoroids and collections. He looked like he found his favorite place once again he couldn't stop staring at it while I was already fidgeting.

"Eren..I know what I did to you before is unforgivable.." I started.

I don't know what I'll do tonight. What if he will hate me again and start saying horrible things once again? Why can't I just stay in my bed? No, they will ask questions they would think me and Eren are fighting I had to sleep with him!

"Don't you miss this room Mikasa?" He suddenly asked while his back is facing me.


"Didn't you say you love me that night?" He continued and I went silent.

I did. Because it was true. I love him with all my heart.

"Eren, what I said was true." I spoke.

"But why did you still choose to leave me?! Aren't you going to ask how I am after 6 long years of waiting for you?" His voice was stern as he looked back at me.

I gasped as I saw few tears on his eyes. Oh my God. He is crying and I felt my heart ache.

I went to him and hugged him suddenly and cried. I cried so hard on his chest but he didn't move.

"Eren, I don't deserve your forgiveness but I just want you to know that I did it because I had a purpose. I never dated anyone. I never liked anyone. You're still the one." I said in between sobs and I felt him embrace me.

"Do you think I will still believe you after all these years without any assurance? I'm tired of you leaving me, Mikasa." He said and I broke the hug to look at him.

What does he mean? He really doesn't trust me now.

"What do you think made me decide to marry you? Do I look like I care about the damn land the clan owns?" Eren said, his face is serious and I gulped taking a step back.

"Do you honestly think I would allow you to get away from me ever again now that you came back? I'm not as dumb as you think of me Mikasa!" His voice raised which made me shocked and I closed my eyes crying.

It's my fault. It's my fault why he became like this. I am owning it.

He grab my wrist and pinned it beside me. I whimpered as he slid his other hand on my waist and pulled me a little to him.

"I will make sure you'll never leave me again." He said and I felt his soft lips on me as I welcomed a rough kiss from him.


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