Chapter 23: Fear

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Mikasa's POV

"Eren.. We are siblings. We aren't supposed to be doing this." I cried as I managed to say it finally in his face.

I am too afraid of this. I never thought he could do that this fast. I just don't know what to do.

"Mikasa we are not siblings!! You kissed me! You love me too! Isn't that enough?!" I inhaled a shaky breath as he said those words.

I feel like someone is stabbing my heart as he said those. His nose is getting red. Is he crying too?

I feel sorry but I know this situation is bothering me since the first time he treated me nicely.

"Eren I like you. I love you...I'm just too afraid. What will Grisha and Carla say about this? Your family. What will our friends say?!" I said as he ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Fuck what they think Mikasa! Do I look like I care about anyone except you?! Fucking no!!" He looked away he balled his fists and I tried to reached out to him to calm him down but he moved away.

"Eren.. I'm sorry.." I said to him but he didn't made me touch him.

"I'm sorry. I just want to rest." He says and it broke my heart.

I watch him walk upstairs towards his room and heard the door got slammed after he got in.

I abruptly shut my eyes close as the house turned silent.

What did I do?

I looked at the space not minding everything as I recalled what happened earlier. I slowly went down on my knees and hugged them. I pulled my hair and I cried. He loves me. He kissed me. He made out with me. But I ruined the moment for the two of us and now, we're not speaking.

Should I go to his room and speak to him?

No, he is still mad at me.

What should I do? Should I just wait for tomorrow?

Yeah. I should give him some space. I don't want to add more.

The next morning, I woke up early to cook food for us.

"Good morning. I cooked food." I said not looking at him.

"It's alright. I can just eat at school." He says coldly as he went out leaving me there alone.

I felt my heart broke.

I dropped the spatula as I felt my tears fell from my eyes. This is beyond embarrassing. I purposely made this for the two of us but it was a complete waste. I cried for a while.

I went to the bathroom and saw how my eyes got swollen. That day I realized I just want to rest. To sleep the whole day not minding about everything or even Eren. I just don't care at all.

"Sasha, can you make me an excuse letter. I suddenly felt sick. Thank you. I will buy you food next time." I called her and she agreed.

"You should rest Mikasa. Don't worry about it." She cheerfully says and I felt a little relieved.

I slept that day. I skipped lunch. I won't tell anyone though.

All my fears that soon Eren will hate me and ignore me came all true and I can't do anything about it. I just want to sleep.

It was around 4 PM when I heard a knock outside my bedroom door.

I heard the door opened. I didn't say anything as I closed my eyes.

"Mikasa we brought some food." Historia came in waving a small pack on her hand.

I sighed in relief. It's not Eren.

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