Chapter 48: The Second Time

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Mikasa's POV

"I never thought I could actually go back to this place." I said as I inhaled the fresh air.

Armin called me last night. He was the only one I trusted to gave my number to just in case an emergency happens especially for them and it was supposed to be Annie's graduation day but something horrible happened and I would never let this pass so that's what I'm here for.

"Annie..I'm glad you're okay." I said as I smiled at her.

She got rescued as my men helped them. The culprit was Pieck Finger with Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover helping her. What an unfortunate fate they have for pulling something like this to my bestfriend. They were put behind bars and Pieck was diagnosed with mental illness.

Eren was there but I didn't dare to look at him. I am afraid to broke the fake strong expression I am showing them today if I ever tare into his eyes. I will lose it all. I left him without a single word. He must be so mad at me. But I couldn't do anything. I am desperate for answers for my parent's death that until now have remained unsolved for me.

"It's Armin's birthday guys and we are planning to go to their new house. Mikasa! You will join us whether you like it or not!" Sasha says as we all gathered and I sat near Ymir.

I told Kiyomi that I need to spend some time here just in case and she nodded in agreement as she thought I am already capable of handling myself plus I have bodyguards everywhere sometimes it make me sick. Levi also came back here earlier than me to get back with Miss Hange.

"Sure thing. No problem with me." I said as I felt Eren staring at me multiple times but I still haven't looked at him.

I don't think I have the courage to face him yet. I don't want to break down crying because of my selfish desire for answers to my family's death.

"What are your plans after this Mikasa?" Annie asked all of a sudden as we ate at their new home. The girl is already pregnant. Damn, Armin.

"My old house is currently under construction. I am just waiting for it to get finished then I'll go back to Japan." I said as I drink my juice.

Eren suddenly got up from his seat.

"I'm full. I'll just go outside for a walk." He said and everyone looked worriedly at him including the two except me.

I stared at my glass for a while and smiled at everyone. Now I feel horrible on the inside. He must've have been hurt at what I said. I don't know how to explain all of this to him. I just want a good drink.

The night when Armin prepared the surprise wedding for Annie, I drank the hardest liquor I could order at that hotel.

"Mikasa. That's enough you are drunk!" Annie says as he kept the bottle away from me.

"Annie hand me that bottle. I can handle this. Come on don't be a kill joy." I said as I tried to reach for it but he placed it on a table and I cannot fucking stand up.

Levi taught me how to handle liquor and not throw up. My first tries were terrible but this one? I can actually drink as much as I want and not feel pain in the morning. I could be okay like nothing happened.

"That's enough Mikasa. You are drinking way too much." Ymir says and I glared at them.

"Why do you keep on stopping me? I want a good drink!!" I said in between hiccups.

"She's really had it." Historia says and Sasha handed me some food but I pushed it aside.

I felt tears flowing from my eyes and I wasn't able to hold back my tears anymore. I was ugly crying the alcohol got the best of me. As what I have read, in wine, there is truth. Well shit. True enough I could feel my walls getting down as I cried my heart out.

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