Chapter 11: Good night

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Mikasa's POV

That night I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday, we don't have class but we're still be going to the school for our grand rehearsal. My body is tired but I don't feel sleepy.

I got up and stretched my body. I then made a few push ups and decided to go out of my room for a glass of milk.

"Can't sleep?" I got startled as I opened the fridge and heard Eren's voice suddenly.

I heard him laugh and I glared at him.

"You look like a scared cat hahahahaha." His voice booming at the kitchen counter and I tried to silenced him.

Carla and Grisha is already fast asleep and we don't want to wake them up.

I drank a small amount of milk and put on the counter. He was on the other side facing me.

"Shhh. You're so loud they're asleep." I rolled my eyes and he sticks out his tongue.

"Can I have one?" He asks and I nodded.

I was pouring some milk on another glass for him when he drank the milk on my glass. My eyes widened from his action.

"Erennn!! That was mine!" I flashed a scorn at him and he laughed.

"You're so slow. I needed a drink." He chuckles and I drank the once I poured for him instead.

"Not fair." I said. I prefer not finishing my glass of milk in one go unlike him.

He held my 2nd glass again next time and drank it. He is teasing me now for real.

"I hate you!!" I was irritated for real and he just laughed.

"You wash the glasses since you were the ones who finished it!" I crossed my arms and he put his hands on the air.

"No problem with me." He laughs and I glared at him.

I was standing next to him facing the other way while he is beside me washing the glasses of milk earlier.

I noticed how he got really taller than before. His body became more fit. Maybe it was because of their training too.

"You're still small what are you eating?" He says. I swear he is getting on my nerves.

"Are you done?" I asked and he chuckles.

"You better not fall on your stunts or I will really laugh at you. I bet you will lose." He laughs and I kicked his leg.

"Oww! What's that for?" He was still laughing. Why is he so amused now?!

"You're acting really weird. Of course I had to eat light because of this cheerleading thing. And maybe you're right, I'll lose." I rolled my eyes.

"You will finally wear some short skirt for real." I heard him went silent like he doesn't like the idea of it.

"I don't have any choice." I sighed.

I don't like wearing short skirt but like I didn't had that experience last year? For one day. That's fine I guess.

As soon as he was finished. I picked the glasses from his hands and placed them on their right places.

Carla would be so mad if her kitchen tools gets broken or damaged she's a dormant volcano!

"Just so you know I'll be watching you."

I heard Eren says as he suddenly went closer to me. My back is slightly pressed against his chest. He helped me close the higher cabinet.

I was frozen at the moment. It's like everything suddenly went hot including my face. My stomach is also being weird.

He went away and I didn't know I was holding my breath this entire time.

"You better sleep Mikasa." He says at a distance. He's headed to the living room.

"Y-Yeah.. You too Eren. Good night." I replied as I put the milk on the fridge.

"Good night." He says as he read some magazine.

I hurriedly went to my room and closed the door. I felt sweat started to drip out of my skin.

What the hell???

I didn't get enough sleep. I continued on looking at the time on my phone. 4:30 AM it says and I close my eyes again. 5:10 AM and I finally sat up. I looked at the huge mirror and then opened the window curtains.

I stretched my muscles and did some push ups once again. This is gonna be one hell of a day.

I took a shower and dressed up. I wore some grey sweatpants matched with a white sports bra and a mint green hoodie to cover it. I wore my favorite pair of Nike shoes and fixed my things before I went down.

"You're up earlier dear?" I heard Carla at the kitchen.

"Yes, Carla. We'll be having a practice today." I said.

I picked up my ID and put it inside my bag as I noticed Eren walking down the stairs. He was wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie with black shoes matched with a cap.

"You look...emo.." I chuckled as soon as he noticed me.

"Just felt like it." He says as he pulls off his cap and ruffles his slightly wet hair.

I felt my mouth slightly opened as I watched him doing it. He looks like those from movies. So cool and handsome.

I felt my heart skipped a beat. Why does he look so cool combing his slightly longer hair?

"You're drooling Mikasa." I was taken aback as I blinked rapidly and found him looking at me.

"W-What? No!!.." I threw the pillow on the sofa towards him and he dodged it.

"You missed haha!" He teases and I sticked out my tongue.

The bruise on his cheek is getting better as he already peeled off the bandaid.

"Hey! You two get in here already while the food is still warm." Carla commands as her hands are on her waist.

"Okay mom." Eren says as he went there ahead of me.

"Good morning!" Grisha greets wearing his usual work attire as Carla takes off his apron.

We ate as they tried to talk about attending our festival next week. Eren sure is excited as he talks with his dad about rugby and Carla is excited to see me in my uniform.

"I know you will win Mikasa." She then laughs wholeheartedly and I smiled.

I hope I'm as confident as her.

"We gotta go Mom, Dad!" Eren says as we excused our self.

"I'm gonna go too hon!" Grisha says as he kissed her cheek.

"Good luck to youuu!! You know where to find me." She cheered as she waved goodbye to us.

"Thank you Carla!" I waved back.

Carla usually goes to her restaurant at 9 AM just after she finishes her mom duties at home and goes out early at 4 PM. She is so mindful of everything and I adore her for that. She never forgets anything especially if it's important. She sure is a supermom.

"You look cute." I heard Eren says as I entered the car.

I blushed. This is so unusual. Since when did he complimented me? I never heard him say that before.

"Stop joking Eren." I looked away as I put my bag as the back seat.

I saw Grisha's car going out ahead of us. Their family have 3 cars. Each for his mom and dad and one for us.

"No I'm not joking." He says and I gulped. I looked at him and saw him being serious but was about to laugh.

I can't help but smile. Idiot.

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