Chapter 55: The Bag

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Mikasa's POV

"Stick with me and we won't be having any problem." Eren spoke as he opened the car door for me.

Not just a car. This one's a fucking Bugatti la voiture noire. I mentally screamed when the servant pulled the car over in front of us and handed the car keys to him. Of course, I have to act calm. It's not like these are new to me anyway, I can afford.

But the fact that Eren will be driving this. Damn, no wonder he receives these gifts from girls huh? Tch.

He went to the other side and got in closing the door.

"Wear seatbelts will you." He says as he tried to fixed it himself.

I blushed out how close our face is. He is literally breathing on my neck.

"There." He says as he put his own seatbelt and drove.

"Right. I'm sorry. I was just amazed with this car I totally forgot." I said as I looked outside.

Even the car smells so good. Just how many girls did Eren let in this car? The thought of it makes me sick I want to go out even if it's the coolest thing I've ever seen.

"I love this car. I usually drive this when I want to go somewhere far." He says which made me look at him.

"Far? Like where?" I asked slightly curious.

I really can't stop thinking how many girls he let in and sit comfortably to what I am sitting on right now. I think I would go insane if I find out even just one!

"Why so interested all of a sudden? I'm not going to tell you either." He said as he sped up a little making me glued to my spot.

"Drive slow will you!" I said as I calmed my shaking nerves.

The last time I really was with him and he's driving this fast is when Armin got into an accident. Somehow it caused me phobia especially like this, a sports car.

"Eren please drive slow God!" I said as soon as he stopped over because of the red traffic light.

"Don't you trust me Mikasa?" He says as he looked at me.

That simple statement made me go silent. I waited for a moment to speak up again.

"I don't trust you completely. First of all, you even made me marry you. And second, all men do is lie. You are no exception." I scoffed.

"Uh huh? Men huh? You sound like you have met all men in the world." He said as the car started moving again but now slow.

"Tell me. How many girls did you get in this car?" I asked. I can't take it anymore. I want to know. I am going crazy if I won't know.

"Girls? What are you saying?" He said driving as he spared some glances at me.

"Just answer the damn question. How many girls did you get in this car?" I said getting irritated. Am I close to that time of the month again huh?

"I want an honest answer. Baka." I muttered. Baka is Japanese term for idiot. Eren is the biggest idiot for me.

He laughed as soon as I started looking by the window. Now, his laugh is making me pissed.

"First of all Mrs. Jaeger, I am not stupid. Second, only one." I could feel his lips curled into a smile by his tone.

Oh shit. Only one you mean?

"Only you baby." He said as he slowly reached for my hand that is resting on my my side.

He pulled my hand closer to him and kissed it. I felt my eyes widened in shock, the hair on my skin went up and my mouth hanged open.

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