Chapter 15: Reward

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Mikasa's POV

It was around 4:30 PM when we all headed to the parking lot. We'll be back before 7 PM for the rugby since Eren is going to play.

The school's varsity accepted a friendly match with the other school and we look forward to it. It's gonna be so much fun!

After series of photographs, I changed my clothes to my usual hoodie, sweat pants and sneakers. I removed my face paint earlier and accessories.

The coach said he ordered new supplies for our clothes immediately with the help of the school's refund. We will still be able to wear the uniform thank goodness the maker made extra for sale! We're so lucky!

"Kids you can join us if you want." Grisha offers and the others agreed.

"We're not going to my restaurant now. We're heading somewhere! My treat!" Carla giggles as she clung to Grisha. I just smiled.

"No! We can pay Carla. That's so nice of you." Armin scratched the back of his head and she looked back pissed.

"You don't want it Armin?!" She looked so scary as she balls her fists and my friends looked scared.

Me and Eren laughed. Carla really doesn't want to be turned down. I remember Grisha said he cannot attend Eren's graduation because there was an emergency on their hospital and Carla was fuming mad he said yes in an instant.

"WE WILL!" They said in unison and Armin whispered at Eren.

"Damn Bro! I can't believe your mom is that scary." Armin whispered and I chuckled.

"Now you know." Eren smiles and his green eyes looked at me.

"Are you sure your M-Mom is fine Eren?.." Connie whispered trying so hard not to be heard and he flinched when Carla looked back to us.

"Are you saying something Connie?" She asks and he then abruptly protested.

"N-No!..Nothing at all Miss Carla hehe..." I swear I saw some sweat on Connie's forehead I'm gonna laugh.

Since Carla and Grisha used another car, Me and Eren have to drive ours.

He drove throughout the highway and went on silent.

"Eren...Do you want to say something?" I asked him first.

I noticed his adam's moved as he gulped and focused on the road.

"Like what Mikasa?" He asks still not taking his eyes off the road.

"You won't even look at me. Nevermind." I said and I looked outside my face in scorn not wanting to see him.

He never really wanted to talk since he went silent along the way.

As soon as the car stopped, I immediately went out ahead of him. I tried to smile so my friends won't notice that we are not in good terms.

"Mikasa! Eat plenty. You still have to perform later with that uniform! I badly want to see you wearing that. Kawaiiiii!" Carla squealed as I ate my vegetable salad.

The competition is not over yet. We'll be competing outside school now. I still have to eat lightly.

"Eren I hope you're not gonna cause a scene later. We'll be watching." Grisha says and my friends looked at him.

I didn't dare to look. I am still mad about what he did before and then he is ignoring me now like it never happened.

"Of course dad." He says as he excused himself to the comfort room.

I won't care. I won't care. I won't care.

I kept on chanting to my head as he returned with his hair in a bun again. I don't like to see that bun because I will be remembering something. I hate him for doing what he did earlier. I hate him for making me feel things. We're supposed to be like brother and sister.

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