Chapter 62: Protect

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Levi's POV

It was still dark. We are both asleep but I woke up because I heard a loud knock on our door around 2 AM.

Who fucking knocks at 2 AM?! This person must be fucking sick in the head.

"Who fucking disturbs people while they sleep. Fuck!" I woke up angry and looked at the peephole.

You've gotta be kidding me! No one was there.

I furrowed my eyebrows pissed as I slowly went back to where our bed is.

Am I hallucinating or did I really heard a knock? Yeah. I definitely heard a knock this is fucking real.

As I was about to lay down when I heard series of knocks once again. I am starting to get alarmed. I stood up and went to the main door slowly once again.

This is not a fucking ghost right? No, someone has to do it. This hour is not funny.

"Levi, what's that noise I heard?" Hange slowly stirred awake as the noise became louder.

"Stay there. I'll answer it myself." I said as I got my baseball bat.

This is not fucking normal.

"Levi.." Hange called and I silenced her.

The noise subsided and I held tighter on my bat before I unlocked the door. I slowly opened the door but no one was there.

That's fucking odd.

"There's no one here. Maybe it's a ghost..." My eyes widened as I felt pain on my stomach.


"Leviii!" Hange called my name as I knelt down in pain.

Who fucking stabbed me from behind and where did it come from? I didn't see anyone outside.

"You gave me a hard time climbing on the ceiling Ackerman. Now, it's your turn to die." The man said as he stabbed me in my back once again.

I learned that the Ackerman's abilities will slow down as they age with the help of Hange. The older you get, the slower the healing process is.

I have to enjoy this then at this age.

"Hahahaha. Die!" The guy laughed like an evil maniac and I say Hange covering her mouth while in tears.

Damn. I don't even want her to be stressed now that we are having a baby. This bastard is going to pay.

"Is that all?" I spoke as soon I felt the first wound close and fully healed. The second one is also getting better.

"Wha.." I didn't let him finish as I snatched the knife from him and pointed it to his chin.

"Who are you? Why are you trying to kill me?" I spoke as he puts his hands in the air to surrender.

"Why? Does that matter to a corpse like you?" The man smirked and I knocked him off.


"Levi...Are you alright?" Hange went to me and hug me.

"Of course hon. You don't have to worry about me." I spoke and hugged her when I felt pain on my back again and few gunshots.

Fuck. The bullets needs minutes to heal.

"Leviii!" Hange screamed as I slowly go down the floor holding my breath trying to heal.

A lot of men suddenly came inside and two men grabbed her.

"Don't move or we'll kill you." The man on Hange's right side said.

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