Chapter 50: Unplanned Wedding

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Mikasa's POV

"Mikasa-sama. You don't have to do this." Kiyomi cried as she bowed down to me.

I stayed silent as I drink some wine here in my room. I don't have any choice left. I cant let them have my family buried next to the same clan who had connections with the killers. I can't just watch and let them without having to try.

"It's alright Kiyomi." I said as I looked at the papers Eren have someone delivered into my house.

He even knows that I could be found here in my old house. Just how many eyes does he have? No, more like how many servants does he have to pay?? I shook my head in disbelief.

"You don't have to attend Kiyomi. I can handle this." I said but she insisted and I sighed. He just wants to be with me to guarantee my safety.

I read the papers slowly and clearly repeating every word he typed in there just in case he didn't fucking listened to what I said.

a.) That she will live in the same house and must go anywhere his husband wants to.

Okay. I just read the first letter and I just want to curse him to the lowest pits of hell.

b.) That she shall bear the name Jaeger under all circumstance no matter how rich and powerful she is.

Shit. What the hell.

c.) That she shall remain faithful and do her duties as a wife.

Uhuh? As if I would fucking go cheat on him with some ugly and cheap boys?! I would never stoop down to that level. Is he challenging me??!

"Hand me a black ballpen." I said and the body guard complied handing me the thing.

I don't want to completely ruin my already ruined day if I ever finish reading all his terms so I just sighed it anyway. All I care about for now is getting that part of land where my mother and father and my sibling got buried. As talking to our grandpa which I could no longer do, I will just investigate myself.

I am thinking it is a great idea actually since that means being with him meant I will be living in that mansion. It will give me an advantage to investigate.

I angrily signed the contract without reading further. I fucking hate him so much!!

I handed the papers to Kiyomi and continued drinking until I fell asleep. I feel like shit.

Eren has changed. He's no longer the sweet boy I used to love. The guy who would never do stupid things when it comes to me. The guy who always buy me white chocolate when I'm sad. Now, he's became heartless, ruthless, savage, and rich and handsome shit!! Why do I care?!! I hate him!!

"Mikasa-sama. Good morning. The chairman of Jaeger Corp. has sent you a gift." She says as I stirred awake. My head sure hurts a little after drinking too much last night.

She placed a huge box on my bed and I rubbed my face still sleepy.

"Your wedding will be at noon by 3 PM." She says and I looked at the clock, it was already 11 AM. Fuck!

I angrily woke up and head to the shower and took a bath. I could hear some strangers getting inside my room. Ah shit another wedding, here we go again!

I screamed as I looked at the huge mirror in front of me and recalled how Eren humiliated me. He really overdid it. I hate him!

"I HATE YOU EREN JAEGERRRR!!" I screamed as I pulled my hair in frustration and cried. I stayed there for a while as I looked at my reflection. I look horrible. I look like a zombie.

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