Chapter 4: Curiosity

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Mikasa's POV

Another month had passed and I found myself waiting for him to come to our house.

"Hi Ereeeen!" I waved at them as I saw him and Dr. Jaeger heading towards our house.

He is wearing his usual red scarf.

"Good morning Mikasa." Greets Dr. Jaeger and I beamed at him and smiled.

"Good morning Doctor."

The old man went inside leaving Eren behind with me. Eren didn't look at me as I scanned his face and saw bruises.

"Eren?" I asked and he didn't answer.

He pulled me to the same place again and I stayed silent.

"Eren.. What happened to your face?" I asked waiting for him to respond.

He sighed heavily and looked at me.

"I got into a fight yesterday. Some bastards kept on bullying Armin and I had enough." He scoffed.

"Are there many bad people out there Eren?" I looked worried at him.

"You have no idea Mikasa." He shakes his head.

I slowly leaned closer to him and traced the bruises in my hand.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as I trailed my hands to the reddish bruise on his cheek.

"Y-Yeah." He slowly got up and I stared at him.

"So what are we going to do today?" He asks.

"Ahaa! I have an idea!" I cheered as I remember all the things I've planned before just for this day.

I pulled him towards the direction of our house.

"Mikasa what are we going to do in here?" He says as soon as we entered the living room and saw the elders talking on the other side.

I grinned and at him and looked for the garden tools. That's it! I'm teaching him how to take care of plants.

"What is this?" He asks and I pulled him again towards outside.

I heard the elders chuckled as soon as I put a hat on my head and on his head too. Now we look like we are farmers.

"This is soooo not cool for me Mikasa." He kept on making weird faces and I laughed at him.

"It is to protect you from the sunlight idiot!" I chuckled as I headed to the huge plantation of eggplants.

"Woahhh what do you call these? I always saw mom having these at home." He says as he gazed at the field of eggplants.

I chuckled as I cut a big eggplant from it's stem.

"It's called an eggplant." I held up the veggie higher and he was amazed.

"How did you do it?!" He was excited as he went over me. I smiled at him.

"Here." I showed him once more and he looked at what I was doing.

"Woahh. That's just easy Mikasa I can do it."

"Now it's your turn!" I grinned at him. I handed him the tool and he then smirked. Hmmm let's see what you got!

My eyes widened as he cut the small eggplant. Omg Eren why?!

"Is that it? That's easy." He sighed as he showed to me the little eggplant and my mouth hanged open.

"Erennnn! Why did you cut the little one?? Just cut the big ones. You! My mom will kill me!!" I hurriedly threw away the little eggplant so they won't find out.

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