Chapter 44: Alive

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Mikasa's POV

"You can have a day off today Mikasa. I'm sure you are so tired of work. You deserve it." Carla says as we ate our breakfast.

"Eren? How is your review doing?" Grisha asks.

"Still hustle Dad but don't worry. I will pass the entrance exam that's for sure." He confidently says and I smiled. As he should!

"Good thing Mikasa is here. You will never skip your lunch again or I will make you clean the whole house. Am I clear Eren?" Carla snarls as I snorted.

"Yes mom. I got it." Eren sounds so much in pain as he looked over me and pouted.

"I will cook for him Carla don't worry." I said.

"Oh please do Mikasa. Look at his eyebags. He is stressed! My goodness." Carla says.

"You should sleep early and not play video games anymore Eren. You're an adult now. Prioritize your passion." Grisha says and he nodded.

Grisha got up first as he kissed Carla saying he is going now and not long after, Carla bid her goodbyes and left the two of us at home.

"You're still studying right? Just leave everything there and I will wash them." I smiled and he nodded.

He finished eating and I cleaned the table. He stayed there for a while as I washed the dishes.

"What are you waiting for Eren? You should've gone up and started reading your medical books." I said as I busied myself washing the dishes.

He didn't respond. I felt something heavy on my shoulder and saw his head there. He was resting his head on my shoulder.

"Eren.. Are you tired?" I asked concerned.

"I am. It's draining to see thick books in front of me." He sighed heavily. I couldn't hold him since my hand is wet.

"Go up and lay down for a while until I finish this. I will help you study." I said.

"Really?" He excitedly said and I nodded. Look at how his mood changed. He immediately went up and I smiled.

"Aish! This guy really." I sighed. He is still as childish as ever.

I piled the plates and wiped my hands. I then went to where his room and found him shirtless.

I gulped as I closed the door behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as soon as he saw me.

"Chilling? I need to distress." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

I went to his messy study table and found open books and human anatomy on a notebook. Oh, I didn't know he draws very well.

"You made this?" I asked as I showed him his notebook and he immediately pulled it away from me.

"Don't touch that." He scoffs and I laughed.

"Too late I already saw it. It was good. I didn't know you had a thing for drawing." I chuckled and his face went red.

"Well, you never asked." He says.

"And you never shared." I added and he pointed his mouth somewhere.

"Your room is so messy I can't believe this is a room!" I looked irritably at the scattered clothes, crumbled paper, and coloring materials all over the floor.

I picked it one by one and his mouth went wide open.

"Oh my God. You don't have to. I will clean it I swear." He said but too late now. I didn't listen to him as I continued cleaning and arranging his things.

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