Chapter 46: The Search

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Eren's POV

I have always loved Mikasa. I always did but as years went by, my mind got messed up especially because I realized my grandfather's offer alluring. No one became rich by just working their ass off. He wants me to follow his steps and take charge of all his business but I also want to save lives. I have always wanted to become a Doctor when I grow up and I had zero interest in business.

"I'm so fucking stupid." This is what I usually say to myself every morning when I was in high school after that kiss in the rain.

I don't want to ruin Mikasa's life. What if I get carried away and get her pregnant?! What will I do?! Can I actually feed a family as what I am now?! I don't think I am ready for that.

That's what I constantly remind myself daily. To keep distant and cold from Mikasa will save her from having unwanted pregnancy. I love her so much but I don't want to fucking screw everything. 

I can wait for her. I have so much respect for her than my lewd imagination haunts me.

I wasn't able to get a hold at myself at the party where I also drank alcohol. My mind was still active that time but her dress fucking seduced me. I knew Mikasa wasn't that drunk that time also she's getting sleepy. I didn't stop my self any further thinking graduation is also around the corner. I fucking made love with her.

I can't wait to get a decent job, finish my studies and shout to the whole world how much she meant to me from the very start I wrapped my scarf around her.

Mikasa was so beautiful, sweet, and last night, she came barging in my room without me knowing and made love to me even if our parents were here. Well, I have to thank that all these rooms are made sound proof because I would probably be lying on the streets if they heard us. What a weird woman I have but I love her.

I slowly got up from my bed still naked. I looked to my side but I was alone. She must be in her room taking a shower. I grinned as I shook my head lightly. What a woman! I fucking love her.

"Good morning baby." I broke into her room as soon as I finished taking a bath and dressed up.

I noticed her room was empty. Her phone is on her bed and it was untouched like it was never slept on but her dresses are still there, her shoes, her books, everything is still there untouched. She must've gone up earlier since she isn't even in the shower. She must be in the kitchen.

"Mikasa.." I called but I was welcomed with mom.

"Oh Eren. Why are you looking for Mikasa?  Isn't she still asleep?" Mom asks and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"She isn't there I just went inside and it was empty." I said slightly panicking.

Where the hell is she? Did she went to the cemetery? Did she went somewhere? Work? Did she went to our friends house? No! She stays with us every morning she would never do that!

"That's odd. I haven't seen her today son. Did you called her?" Carla was getting alarmed.

"Her phone is on her bed." I said as my mind wandered to the worst ideas possible.

"What if she went up early and went to the cemetery and she got kidnapped?" I said. Fuck. What the hell am I thinking already?!

"Calm down son. Let's just wait for her. Maybe she just went somewhere. She'll come back soon." My mother cheers me up but no, I have a bad feeling. I can't stay calm after what she did with me last night.

"Hello, Sasha? Is Mikasa in your house right now?" I called Sasha. The girls always does sleepover. Maybe she is there.

"Good morning Eren. I'm sorry but Mikasa isn't here. What happened?" Sasha answers.

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