Chapter 29: Don't

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Mikasa's POV

"Why are you not responding to my calls and texts huh?" Eren's voice boomed inside the car as soon as I got in.

I acted like I heard nothing don't want to destroy my day but I still answered.

"Oh so you speak huh?" I imitated the last part he said.

The truth is I just want to go to school this instant. I wanna distance myself to everyone as much as possible but I know I can't. I want to talk to Mr. Levi too who knows about my family's history.

I should have joined Carla or Grisha or my friends or just grab a taxi. I know this would happen but who am I again? He doesn't own me.

"Of course I'm not mute. You're not answering the question." Eren's voice was firm as I caught him stealing glances on me several times but I ignored it looking away.

"I don't think I need to explain myself to you." I said my eyes glued on the scenery outside.

"Of course you have to explain to me because I am your fucking boyfriend! I'm worried sick Mikasa!" He slammed the steering wheel making me close my eyes a little.

I felt my heart beating fast as I bit my lip. He is mad but so am I!!

"Worried sick huh? Really? After ignoring me the whole goddamn time and you act like that?! God just stop Eren!!" I shut my mouth after and he went silent.

I bit my lip. I felt like crying. I didn't mean it.

Deep down inside I just want him to talk to me. I want us to go back like we used to.

He didn't even speak again after that and I kept my eyes outside all the time while my tears are falling so he wont see it. My heart is breaking because of the silence. I tried so hard not to make any noises while crying.

I didn't even hiccupped. I cant numbly cried there as I held my bag towards me.


"Don't..." I cut him off.

"Don't fucking ever look at me again do you understand?! Don't talk to me! Don't call my name! Just don't!" I said and as soon as he stopped over, I opened the door quickly to get out and slammed the door behind me.

I heard him calling behind me but I didn't listen. I guess I was wrong about everything I said to him that he really cares for me. Maybe everything is just fabricated to make me fall for him and just make my life miserable.

If he doesn't like then he probably likes someone else but just can't break it to me.

Could I stand seeing him with someone else?

We used to sit next to each other so I bribed Sasha with food just to sit next to her and Connie will be the one to sit next to him.

"Is everything okay Mikasa?" Sasha asks as she looked so happy at the food I gave her. There's more to that if she accepts my condition.

"Yeah everything's alright. I'm just really nervous on the competition. I hope we all do well." I smiled at her and in the corner of my eyes I saw how Eren looked at my way but I completely ignored him.

"Of course! You're the captain remember! We will surely win." Sasha says as she took a huge bite on the burger I gave her.

I realized it's better to stay away from drama anymore so I spent my vacant time going to a library as I read stories about gangs and mafia organizations not minding it it's fictional.

"Mikasa that's very unusual of you to go to library alone. Are you hiding something?" Ymir asks and I laughed at her.

"What? No..I just like to study these days. I want to make my real parents proud." I said and they nodded.

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