Chapter 5: The Knock

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Mikasa's POV

I have waited days for Eren but I don't mind if it's for him.

"Mikasa. You sure are so fond of Eren now." My dad laughs as he tried to get my attention.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I ate my meals. I unknowingly smiled at the thought.

Yes, Eren is someone I want to see everyday.

"But don't worry. They'll come again. Of course, Dr. Jaeger will be here for your Mom." My Dad smiles.

I hope it won't come to a point where Eren will stop coming over.

"I will show Eren the doll I made. It's finally done." I beamed happily as my mother added more food on my plate.

It was that day where they have to come but no one arrived. The sun was almost setting when I didn't even get a glimpse of their shadow. I got sad. I guess I have to wait for another month for him.

"Oh don't worry about me darling. I'm sure Dr. Jaeger has reasons." My mom smiles at my Dad as the two talked. I was silent the whole time.

I hate to admit but I miss playing with Eren.

"Mikasa? You didn't touch your food are you okay?" My dad asks worried but I just looked down.

"I am full father. I'm just a little sleepy already." I excused. I don't want them to worry about me when the truth is..

I just miss Eren.

I stared blankly outside as the dark illuminated on the background and sighed.

I looked at my Eren doll beside my doll and punch it lightly.

"I hate you." I felt my eyes were down as I stared at it.

A tear escaped from my eyes, tired of waiting if he will be coming around. Maybe he will come again next time? I wiped away the tears from my eyes and let myself sleep.

The next month arrived swiftly and I found myself waiting again at the usual time they will arrive but as the time goes, no one still came.

I am losing the faith I have left for him.

With a heavy heart, I went inside our house and locked myself in my room.

2 months had passed and I still didn't get any sign of Dr. Jaeger or Eren.

Where are they? 

The thought of something bad happened to the two of them can't get off my mind. I stared at the Eren doll again and could no longer suppress the  tears to come out of my eyes.

"I wish you were here." I whispered.

I wish he knows I miss him a little more...each day.

"Good morning darling. How was your sleep?" Mom greets me as I slowly descended down the stairs.

"Good morning mom. It was fine." I smiled slowly at her as she poured some milk on my glass.

"Let's eat." My father motioned me towards the table and I nodded.

We ate there in silence as a knock on the door startled us.

My eyes went wide. Could it be Dr. Jaeger and Eren is here now? My eyes sparkled in joy.

"Ahh it's probably Dr. Jaeger now." My dad smiles as he made his way slowly to the main door.

My mon smiled at me and I beamed at her. Finally!

"Dr. Jaeger this is surprising..."I heard my Dad say those words but got cut off.

I looked at by the main door and saw him slowly fall to the ground.

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