Chapter 14: Someone

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Author's Note:

I've been so gloomy these past few days but I'm back now haha! Oh how I miss cheerleading! ♡♡♡

Hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'll be very busy in the coming days, your girl is competing. This is just a start.

This is the prequel to Aruani's love story and will continue to serve as an epilogue as well. As per the chapter, Idk yet on how many it will go but I think this is going to be long too.

Love you guys! Additional panels will be added to the last aot manga chapter I'm excited. ♡♡♡


Mikasa's POV

"W-What do you mean?" I asked as soon as he moved back a little.

I looked at his face. He's wearing the maroon varsity jacket and his hair is tied in a bun.

"Cheer for me. Only me." He stared directly at me and I looked into his green eyes.

My mouth went open as I tried to say some words but failed.

He walked away leaving me there. I couldn't move I stared at him at a distance and heard the cheers at the venue. I touched my face and immediately went to the comfort room.

What he said lingered in my mind. I can't forget it. It sound surreal for me. Did it really happened?!

I slapped myself repeatedly at the bathroom and looked at the face paint marks on my hand. Uhhh wrong idea.

I washed my hands and I went back to where my teammates are. I saw Eren talking to our friends on the bench. I looked away.

Shit! What if someone saw what happened earlier?! They would think we are incest!! But still.

I don't get why after all this time, I want to be with Eren. I only wanted to be closer to him.

"Mikasa..You look like shit." Sasha says quite concerned of me as she hands me food.

"Ah-I'm good." I smiled at her and accepted it.

One thing I like when you enter to cheer dancing is free food after performing on the actual event. This is also the reason why Sasha joined. All because in the name of food.

"Give it up for the Sapphire Eagles!!" Everyone cheered and I watched their performance.

The crowd is as loud as ever as Isabel Magnolia danced at the center. What I noticed is their dance steps are way too sexy fit for Jean's liking. Eww.

I didn't realize but I was absent-mindedly staring at Eren's reaction when he caught me. I snapped out of my stare and looked at the Eagles performing. What the hell Ackerman! Get your shit together!

I saw how Isabel threw a flying kiss on Eren's direction and Jean acted like he got it earning a huge whoaaaah from the boys. Lmao thank you Jean. Coz I don't think I can stand this performance and Eren is looking at it. I hate this bitch.

"I didn't know she could be this bold." Ymir says as she drank her water.

"Me too. I wanna puke." I said and they laughed.

Eren waved at his mom and dad completely ignoring the performance already. As he should, or I will prepare my sermon tonight on his room or ask for Carla's guidance.

"Woww! That's awesome!" The host said ending the performance.

"Now may I call on all the participants with the cheerleaders on the front for an interview?! Do you guys want it?!!" She face the microphone on the crowd and they all said yes.

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