Chapter 36: Fate

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Author's Note:

The most exciting part has just started. Ciao! ;D


Mikasa's POV

"Man. I don't like where this is going." Connie sighed as Armin speaks to everyone.

University is much tiring than we all expected.

"I won't be able to spend time with you anymore guys. I have to manage our company." He says sadly but everyone nodded.

It's the reality that we wouldn't escape. Our families have different businesses and someday we will be the ones to be in charge. Eren even chose medicine to help Grisha soon and I chose business to help Carla. This reminds me that we really are not a child anymore.

"It's alright. You don't have to join us always Armin but we'll wait for you." Eren says but that didn't change the fact that everyone is sad.

Also, that doesn't change the fact that I still hate Eren to the deepest pits of hell.

The more Armin dealt with his loss that is Annie, all the more our friendship gets broken. He still can't move on and you can't blame him. The last time he saw her was the night we were just watching movie on his house.

I stayed silent as I felt Eren looking my way several times. I coughed and excused myself from everyone. I want to relax and study.

"Ohhh? If it isn't the loser. Haha! How does it feel to lose in the division during high school again Ackerman?"

Of all people that I have to encounter today and this bitch showed up? We are still schoolmates even in university?? Bitch

"What do you want Isabel?" I paused as I crossed my arms and waited for her to respond.

"Oh! You know what I want very well. I want your hot brother Eren to be my boyfriend don't forget that." Isabel then laughed a little with her flirty tone.

"Who's gonna be your boyfriend?" I gasped as I heard the familiar deep voice behind me.

DON'T FUCKING LOOK BACK MIKASA. DONT. I reminded myself to stay cool and distant.

I stayed still as I balled my fists. Why did he followed me?!

I saw how Isabel's expression changed as she went closer to where he is. I shut my eyes abruptly. Pretty much annoyed. The bitch.

"Omg!! Eren my prince charming, you came for me. You're so sweet!!" She chuckles as she adored the guy behind me and I don't care.

I don't care right? But why does it still making my blood boil??!!

"Well. What will you do now loser sister? Are you going to get your brother again this time?" Isabel continued and I looked at them smirking.

"I have no problems. You can have him." I smirked and saw Eren's expression turned from shock to angry.

Isabel got speechless as I saw sparkles on her eyes. Bitch. It's not for you. It's because I hate that guy over there!! But cool. Enjoy your fucking day then.

I walked away. I feel relieved I made them speechless but my insides are screaming otherwise.


I concealed and ignored my feelings as I continued to walk towards the garden of the campus.

"Finally, somewhere peaceful." I muttered.

I sat there and watched the beautiful flowers around.

"Is it you Ackerman?" I looked at where the voice was and I saw the familiar figure of the blond bearded guy with glasses. His dog, Alice is not around.

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