Chapter 35: Divided

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Mikasa's POV

"Bro! You should come out with us. We don't hang out much anymore." Jean sits down the usual spot we hang out after class.

"We miss you Armin. Hope you will join us too even just for today." I said smiling at him as he look uninterested.

Ever since Armin came back to school, we have shielded him from constant whispers and rumors spreading because of what happened to Annie. Armin too, still haven't moved on.

"I'm good guys. I want to help Erwin on the business anyway you know, Dad. They're quite busy." He scratched the back of his neck trying to smile at us.

He is trying.

"It's okay bro. Just do your thing. Come back to us when you're done." Eren says as he pats his shoulder.

"Thanks man." He bumps his fist to Eren's fist too.

"Armin.. I hope you stay longer with us. We don't want to see you alone." Historia was teary eyed. These past few months have been nothing but painful to all of us.

"But we don't want to stress you man." Connie added.

"Armin you can have my snacks just stay with us." Sasha gave her food to him which made the atmosphere a little bright.

I want to give her more food now.

"I cant.." Armin says making everyone halt to their tracks.

"Everytime I see Historia..or any blonde here in school, I wish it was Annie." He says which made all of us silent.

"Me too Armin. I feel you. We understand." Ymir says but he looked even sadder.

"No, it's even harder for me. I don't want to look at everyone and think of Annie. She's the only one. She can't be compared to others. That's what make me even problematic." He hisses as he ruffled his hair.

"You don't have to go hard on yourself. Let it go. You can cry on us." Eren says which made everyone agreed.

I feel proud of him. I thought all he does with Armin together is doing stupid things like how they talk about trying girls' make up but he does know what to say especially at times like this. I feel like a proud girlfriend that I am.

"Thank you so much guys but I think I have to deal with myself first. I don't want you to feel bad or anything. It's not your fault she died earlier than we expected." Armin sighs.

"I have to go. See you guys!" Armin waves his goodbye as he walk away.

Months passed and everyone got busy on their own. They helped their parents, they managed companies, they went for a job, etc. I think we suddenly are strangers. We don't talk anymore.

Eren also because of the situation we are currently in is a little sad. His playmate Armin is not responding to his calls. He wants to hang out with him but he doesn't pick up.

"Eren it's alright. I'm sure Armin has reasons."

I have always said that to him until he started acting distant towards me again.

"Eren..Did I do anything wrong again?" I asked nervously. He didn't talk.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm just thinking of something." He says and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Thinking about what?" I asked curiously but he glared at me.

"You are so annoying. Don't you know how to shut up?" He abruptly stood and my mouth went hanged open.

I was too shocked I couldn't almost breathe. Tears started brimming from my eyes as I looked at him walking away from the seat next to me.

Did I ask incorrectly?

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