Chapter 12: Gut Feeling

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Mikasa's POV

"Great job Sophies! I know you can do it guys." Our coach clapped as soon as the rehearsals are done.

"Mikasa! You are great. I trust you. You all did an amazing job!" She continues as everyone looked happy with the result.

The one week preparation didn't go to waste! I grinned as I looked over to the happy Sasha, Historia and Ymir with some of our teammates.

We were still on the stage when our coach exit and went to the backstage to get our costumes, when I heard a slow clap down the stage.

"Impressive. I didn't know you could be this great Mikasa!! So the rumors are true!" Isabel came in with a bunch of her squad.

The seniors Sapphire Eagles are smiling wickedly while looking down on us sophomores, Amber Wolves.

"I didn't know you are here, Isabel." I crossed my arms as I faced her.

She laughed sarcastically as I raised my eyebrow challenging her.

I noticed how Ymir, Historia, Sasha, and everyone stood behind me as they looked fuming mad at the ones in front of them.

"Ohhh..Hoes mad." The girls beside her laughed as she said those words.

"What did you said bitch?" Ymir crosses her arms as she towered the others.

Even if we're in fact Sophomores, we can level them when it comes to height.

"Well. I just want to say good luck to you. I hope you won't cry next week." She says nodding while looking sympathetic towards all of us.

I was already fuming mad on the inside. She is planning to destroy us. I can't overlook at the disrespect.

"We won't. It is you who is going to cry. Let's leave the garbage everyone." I said blankly as I walked away from her and my team followed.

"Bitch! Who the hell are you?! I'm not done yet!" She screamed and I smirked.

I heard Ymir laughed and everyone started laughing. Isabel sounded so pissed and felt ashamed.

I looked back at her and found how her teammates tried to comfort her from utter embarrassment of being walked out.

"Remember this Isabel. This pack shall bring you down." I smirked and everyone cheered behind me.

Sure thing. Bring it on Isabel.

I went back to my place and found our coach waiting there piling the uniforms we're going to use. We sure paid a lot for this. This better look good.
"You will be wearing this on that day after lunch. Be sure to come here early so we can practice once more and my team can do some makeover for all of you especially you Mikasa." The coach said and we all agreed.

"'s so cute I love it!" Historia kept on turning around as she held her uniform.

"And oh! Don't destroy the pompoms or I will kill you." The coach said and everyone laughed except for the males who can't relate.

"Ahhh! I'm going to eat a lot that day! I will celebrate!!" Sasha says as she was thinking again about food.

"Of course we will celebrate. We will surely win!" I winked at her and she grins.

"How was your training?" I asked Eren as soon as he entered the car.

We're heading to Carla's restaurant today since the cafeteria is closed and we had no place to eat lunch. Our friends are coming too. We sure got so busy we didn't have enough time to fool around haha I kinda miss the whole company.

"It cool. Except there's this pest I really want to disappear." He clicked his tongue and started driving.

He opened his window and Armin challenged him for a race. Shit not again boys.

"Of course you know I don't turn back." He chuckles as I put my seatbelt on.

"Hang on. It will be quick." He says and I glared at him.

"I swear Eren if I die." I said as he drove past cars.

"You mean we die." He then stopped because of the traffic light and I hit him nonstop.

"Stop acting so cool and drive safely you idiot!!" I kept on hitting him and he laughs.

"Okay okay okay now stop..." He says.

"Stupid Eren do you want the two of us to die?!! Baka!" I kept on hitting him and he stopped my wrist I felt weak and he then put them down.

"I'm sorry. Am I forgiven?" He then looked at me.

My face became pale as soon as I realized how close our face is. I looked to his eyes and he tried to cup my face. My eyes widened slowly as I pushed him away.

He chuckled and I crossed my arms on my chest. My heart is beating like crazy. I felt my face heat up.

"Stupid Eren." I hissed and he just laughed as he saw the go signal and continued driving. This time just at the right speed.

"Bro? What the fuck? You didn't keep up!!" Jean sounded so mad because we arrived late.

"Your grandma doesn't like to die early." He says and I hit him.

"That's alright. I'm paying." Armin laughs as he placed an arm on Eren.

They all laughed and cheered as Armin won, followed my Jean, Connie and Sasha in a car, Ymir and Historia, and us.

"Hey mom! I brought my friends." Eren greets Carla and I hugged her.

"Dear.. What do you guys want to eat?" Her eyes glittered at the sighed of all of us.

Of course who wouldn't. She will be having more sales today. Carla really is a business minded person.

Everyone ordered and I excused myself to the comfort room. I immediately looked at the mirror as soon as I went inside and slapped my face several times.

What the hell happened Mikasa? What was that?!

I balled my fists and washed my hands.

Get your shit together Ackerman.

I sighed deeply and walked out.

"Ahh man! How I miss this one!" Connie then started to dance like a monkey.

"Jean come on join me!" He pulled Jean who just finished drinking.

"The fuck is that Connie." We laughed as the two of them danced with weird steps.

Ewww. I can't imagine Eren being like that. I would probably hide somewhere in the world where no one can see me.

"Hey! Of course you two are included come on man!" Jean tried to pull Eren and Armin but they didn't move.

We all laughed at Jean gave up and was throwing a fit at how kj they two were.

"You look like a horse who just got out on the field." Ymir laughs at him and he kept on ranting.

I saw how Eren kept throwing glances as me. I looked away my face in heat.

"By Carla. See you later! Thank you. " I kissed her cheek and Eren gave her a hug and thank you.

"Stay safe kids! Good luck!" She waved at us and we went back to the school.

"I'm nervous. Like I have a hunch." I started the conversation.

"About what?" He asks, his eyes still on the road.

"I don't know. I just feel like something will happen on that day but maybe I'm just overthinking." I sighed.

"Yeah. You should rest a bit too you know." He looks at me and I nodded.

Maybe that's it.

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