Chapter 22: Movie Time

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Mikasa's POV

"Hehehehe" I started laughing wickedly as I stared at the CDs we bought earlier.

Eren was still at the kitchen washing the dishes. Now this is going to be fun.

I went back to look at where the chips stored at the cabinet and picked up some Lays, Pringles, and Doritos.

"Eren bring some soda with you when you're finished." I said as I hurriedly went to the living room.

"Yes Momkasa." I heard him say by the kitchen and I laughed.

I looked at the CD cover and found some creepy images. We're going to watch Insidious: The Last Key because it was newly released and I kinda like this series.

I turned the television on and I heard footsteps heading my way.

"Are we really gonna watch it at this hour Mikasa?!" I can't help but laugh at Eren's tone.

His complaints sounded like he is about to cry.

"Relax Eren. This is the last Insidious so of course I am going to watch it." I smirked at him as he placed the soda on the table.

"Can I just go to my room while you watch it?" He is getting desperate and I am trying not to laugh.

"Oh sure. But you know how it feels to be alone and like there will be a sudden weird noise out of nowhere and the curtains will move even if the windows are closed and you see someone wearing white standing by your door..."

"Shut up. I get it god!!" He sat at the sofa and I snorted trying to suppress my laughter.

I can't help it. The way I said those and his expressions facial expressions are becoming really weird his face is getting pale. I am laughing.

I put in the CD and went to where he is seated.

"What?" Eren asks as he scoffed at me as O was looking down at him.

"You look so cute when you're mad hahahahah" I laughed at his face and he hit me with a pillow.

I hit him with a pillow too and we had pillow fight for a minute when the music started playing.

"Ohmygod it's starting." He look so horrified now and I snorted.

I sat beside him and opened the chips as he played with his phone instead.

"I thought you're going to watch?" I laughed as he busied himself playing games on his phone.

"That thing wont make me sleep later." He said lazily but I felt him flinch because of the sound effects.

"Say aaah.." I feed him with some chips and he opened his mouth still not looking at the huge TV in front of us.

I chuckled at how he kept losing on his video game and he finally gave up. He threw his phone on his other side and looked at me pouting a little.

Omg so cute.

"I'm going to blame you if I can't sleep tonight for real." He says and he picked the cold drink on the table and drank it.

"It's not real you know." I said laughing and he glared at me.

"Not real when it's based on a true story." He reasoned out scoffing crossing his arms as he leaned at the back of the sofa.

"Yeah based. But do you think if it's real they can be able to film it? Won't they run and hide in fear?" I laughed as he slowly scooted closer towards me.

He put his right hand at my back and I froze when he inhaled the scent of my hair.

"You stink." He whispered and I hit him. He chuckled.

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