Chapter 19: Just The Two of Us

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Author's Note:
I'm very sorry guys for slow chapter updates. Aside from being busy with uni right now coz there are a lot of activities(your girl joined some contests :c, my cousins are coming over the weekend not failing to annoy me in my house.

I hope you have a nice weekend! Read jjk and csm y'all! It's great too. ♡♡♡


Mikasa's POV

"Come on! You're so slow Mikasa" Eren laughed at me as I'm trying to catch my breath.

He sure does run fast. Now wonder why they won the game.

"I'm not slow you idiot! You're just running fast. Calm down!" I hissed as I followed him towards the arcade.

I know why he is running. He knows there are a lot of people there right now and he doesn't want to get there the last.

"Hurry up!" He says as he stood the entrance and I slowed down from running chasing after him. Urrghhh! Eren!

"Good morning Sir, Ma'am. Welcome!" The security says as he opened the door.

Eren held my hand and we both went there.

"You told me to hurry up and then there are no other people than us?!!" I can't believe him and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Woahh! Calm down Mikasa. I didn't know there are no other people either." He laughs at me and I hit him.

"Idiot Eren idiot Eren idiot Eren" I repeatedly chant as I hit him multiple times.

"Cut it out. The crew is looking at us." He hugged me and he muttered an apology to each one of them.

"I'm really sorry about my girlfriend's behavior everyone. Sorry." He bowed slightly and I pinched his sides as I pulled him inside.

"It's alright young man. Enjoy!"

"Cute couple."

That was what I heard before we disappeared in front of them looking for games we wanna try.

"I can't believe you!" I started as he laughed after me.

"What? Isn't that true? I mean people knows we live in the same house why not?!" He laughed once again and I hit him.

"And what if someone sees us? You explain." I said as I headed towards the seats.

I sat there and crossed my arms above my chest.

"Come on Mikasa! We are the only ones here." He chuckles as he pulled me up and I let him.

He is strong after all.

"But we're not in a relationship." I said softly almost a whisper.

"What? You were saying something." He says and my eyes widened.

"N-No. You are being delusional." I said and I went to the sea of colorful balls and just lay down there when he joined me.

My eyes widened as my tiny body got squished by him. I mentally cursed at how heavy he was I literally sank underneath the colorful balls.

"Eren?!!" I exclaimed as I slowly got up and saw how happy he was.

I sighed. I cant help but smile. He is this childish around me huh? Well I want him smiling more often then.

"Let's go play together?" He grinned and his smile was contagious as I found myself agreeing.

"Hmm." I said and I let him pull me everywhere he wants.

We played bump car. We rode the carousel that are meant for kids but we are kids at heart and no one was there so haha! It was fun. We played a lot of video games like driving which I suck and he laughed at me.

"I don't know how to play basketball you know I'm a girl!" I hissed as he made me picked up the ball.

He dropped the ball back and he went to where I am standing. He went at my back and assisted me. I tensed as I felt him lean more towards me.

I felt my inside churning as he put his hands on each of the hand that is holding the ball and he made it raise a little.

"You just have to aim at that ring no matter what but you have to be conscious on your posture too." He says in a deep voice and I felt my face heat up.

I could feel his breath on my nape and I can't stop thinking about it.

"A-Am I doing it right Eren?" I want to slap myself for stuttering.

He laughed behind my ears and I think that was the sexiest laugh I have ever heard. My body flinched as he put his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Just continue and throw it." He said as he let go of the ball and it went in.

"Woahhhh" I got happy and excited that I jumped on him immediately making the both of us fell down the floor with a thud.

I was hovering him and he was under me. I was shocked at how close our faces went. He smirked.

"Want this position much?" He spoke slowly and clearly and my mouth went open.

"Whaaa..." I was cut off. My eyes widened in shock.

He slowly leaned in towards me as he looked at my lips and I felt my heart was about to come out of my cage. The air suddenly got thin I was breathless. I closed me eyes anticipating for it but it didn't come.

I slowly opened my eyes and found him staring at me.

"Pffft." He snorted and I my eyebrows knitted in anger. He didn't kiss me.

"Oh my God! This is so embarrassing!!" I slowly got up and facepalmed.


"I'm so sorry Eren." I apologized but he continued to laugh.

My chest was about to explode from excitement but it turned painful now as I felt like crying from humiliation. What the fuck Eren?

I walked away but he back hugged me. I sighed.

"I'm sorry. You're so cute I can't help it." He still kept on laughing and I was very much annoyed about the fact he is teasing me.

"I hate you." I said as I bit my lip. I was mad. I know he wants to kiss me too but chose to ignore me waiting for him. Idiot! Jerk!

"I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He chuckles as he made me face him and I looked away with a stoic face.

"Awww Mikasa don't be mad. I'm just teasing you because you're so cute." He kept on laughing as he pulled me into a hug.

I pinched both of his sides earning a painful expression from him and I faced him.

"You deserved that for being a jerk! I hate you!!" I walked towards the basketball machine and picked up a ball.

I throw it towards him and he hissed in pain. I laughed. Payback time.

"Owww! What the fuck Mikasa?" He hisses as he slowly got up from his fall and I laughed at him.

"That's for teasing me idiot!" I stick my tongue out and ran towards the open space away from him but he chased me.

Omg. I was in fear for a second he looked mad at me now.

"Where do you think you're going Miss?" He says as he caught me and pinned me against the wall.

My breath hitched as I saw his eyes bore into mine. He breathed by my lips as I stared at his green eyes down to his nose and to his lips.

I gulped as I saw him lick his lips and bit his lip. I am definitely not okay now. I'm trembling.

He slid his other hand on my waist while he held my wrist tighter as I tried to move a little.

He went in closer as he licked my ear that sent shivers down my spine.

"You're tempting me in every way Mikasa."

The Beautiful Tragic Us (Eren x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now