Chapter 20: You Never Know

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Author's Note:
I'm so happy right now guys. I won the contests!!! I can finally get back to this story since the event is done!! ♡♡♡


Mikasa's POV

The way Eren whispered my name huskily makes the hair on my skin stood up as I froze in my place. His tiny breaths lingered on my face pale face. My heart was erratic, I feel like I could have a heart attack any minute at how close he is to me.

"You never know how much I have to restrained myself every time you go near me." His eyes scanned my body from top to bottom and I gulped.

"Eren.." I managed to speak.

"You didn't know how much I have to keep myself distant from you Mikasa." He slowly let go of my wrist slowly putting it beside me as I felt myself weak from his touch.

"Eren..I'm sorry if you are suffering because of me." I looked down.

He cupped my face making me face him. My lips parted about to say something and he slowly leaned in planting a soft kiss on my lips.

I could feel his sincerity as he intertwined our hands while he kissed me. It was soft, pure, peaceful and I don't want to let go any minute. I closed my eyes letting myself drown to his kiss.

He slowly moved away as I opened my eyes. He looked away as I saw a small shade of red on his cheek. Ah my Eren, so cute.

He was covering hid face while looking away with his hand. I pushed his hand away quickly and kissed his left cheek. He looked up to me in surprise.

"You don't have to control yourself when we're alone Eren. I want to know you. I want to see the real you with me." I smiled as I saw how his expressions changed from being shock.

There was a shade of pink on his cheeks. So cute!! But I won't tell him. I know he will get shy on me.

"Please. Be real with me Eren." I smiled as soon as he managed to look back at me.

"Let's go eat something?" This time I was the one pulling him outside the arcade. That's enough for the day.

He was the one who paid for the charges and I said I'll be the one to pay for the food to be fair.

"I can pay Mikasa." He laughs but I insisted.

"No, I can Eren. Let me okay?" I grinned as we went to a fancy Italian restaurant.

"But I will pay next time. Yours buts are no longer valid." He chuckles and I nodded.

"Omg!! Is that Eren Jaeger? Is that her girlfriend?" I heard someone whispered as soon as we found a seat and the waiter gave us the menu.

"He is so hot."

"True. I'm drooling."

"Oh my God she's beautiful. Look at her skin and hair." The whispers continued and I cleared my throat.

"I wish I could be her so lucky." They sounded sad and I don't know what to react.

Eren was so busy choosing what to eat so he wasn't able to hear those conversations. Thirsty girls.

I suddenly got the urge to show them that this guy right here, the man they fantasize so much is my man and there's no way they can have him. Over my dead body.

I cleared my throat as I smirked. I will make sure you girls will remember this.

"Love what did you choose?" I purposely made my voice clearer and a little bit louder.

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