Chapter 31: The Chase

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Mikasa's POV

"Uhm Miss..Are your bill.." The driver said and I handed him the cash on my hand.

"Keep the change. Thank you." I said as the driver brought me to an empty park near the bridge.

"Are you sure Miss? This is too much." He said and I nodded slowly opening the door to get outside.

I sat at the bench. My phone has been ringing nonstop and I once again turned it off. I honestly don't understand why I still keep a cellphone with me when I don't even use it.

I looked at he night sky and saw an airplane. I wished everything will turn out fine someday. That all of these suffering shall be blessed with a great payback.

I cried once again as I recalled what I saw earlier. I sat there in silence just looking at the cars running on the bridge.

"Mom, dad, you should have just took me with you if that meant I'll not be able to experience this." I said.

Pang of regrets hit me as I gripped my hair screaming my heart out crying. I thought I couldn't cry harder again. I guess I was wrong.

"Hmm you again?" I stopped as I looked up and saw the familiar blond bearded guy with glasses come to me with his dog.

I was shocked to see him again. So it was real. I did saw him before.

"You're that guy in school if I remember?" I asked and he nodded.

His dog went to me and I looked at him.

"Can I hold it?" I asked and he nodded.

"What could be the reason why you are crying young lady? Jaegers again?" He chuckled and I didn't speak.

I don't want to hear anything that screams like Eren. I want to forget him already or that scene today will hunt me forever.

I pet the dog and hugged it. He barked a little as he went closer to me.

"My life is just at the bottom right now I actually have no idea if I still have tomorrow." I nervously laughed as he lit a cigarette.

"I understand what you're in. I've been there too when I was younger." He says and I looked at him as he thought deeply.

Why does this man looks so familiar yet different I can't point out!

"Why do you know me Mister?" I asked curiously.

He sighed and continued smoking.

God I hate cigarettes!! I COULD DIE ON THIS!!

"Oh sorry. Can't be helped haha!" He laughed and the dog barked.

"Cute. I hope I can have one soon." I smiled at the dog in front of me.

"I knew your family because I'm part of it, partly." He says and I was shocked.

I never saw this guy not even once when the clan gathers. I don't know him. Does he mean the Ackerman?

"What family do you mean Mister?" I asked.

"The Jaegers. Who could it be then?" He laughed and I got confused.

"Nah you wouldn't understand yet. There will come a time I will explain it to you." He says and smiled at me.

"Come Alice. Let's go." He says and the dog barked.

"See you soon." He said and I stared blankly at the alley where he and the dog disappeared.

"Who is he?" I thought every event I was in but I haven't really saw him.

Maybe back when I wasn't a part of the Jaeger family he was there and moved away? But that's impossible not to know him after all this time. He still not even introduced himself so how could I know.

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