Chapter 51: Manners

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Mikasa's POV

"I thought you were already asleep." I stiffed as Eren's voice echoed inside the huge room.

I slowly got up and untied my shoes. My feet hurts. It's been a while since I actually wore heels for a long time. I usually ask my body guard to bring me extra flat shoes but I'm alone now so I am helping myself.

"Did you read the terms I included in there?" He asked.

I busied myself with taking off this damn dress which I couldn't even reached for the tie. Shit. Guess I will just sleep like this.

"Of course I did. Why would I sign papers without reading it?" I lied. I was actually drunk and got lazy.

I reached for the tie on my back but I couldn't.

"Let me help you." He says as he went closer to me.

"Stay there! Come closer and I will break your bones." I am not kidding. He is now my husband so anything he does to me is just part of this whole damn thing and he won't be liable. It scares me.

"Relax. You don't want to sleep in that gown do you?" He smirked and I glared at him.

"Do it quick." I said as I faced my back on him.

"I said quick!" I hissed and I heard him chuckle.

Shit. My gown fell down immediately that had to hold it to cover my front. I turned around and faced Eren. He placed the glass of wine he had in his hand earlier at the table and loosened his tie.

Shit. Why does he look so bad and handsome while doing it? I don't want to stare but it's making me so hot. I couldn't deny that.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking away.

"Taking my clothes off. Isn't that obvious?" He says and I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

That's it. I would never look at him romantically. He is fucking arrogant! He's changed.

"Why don't you change at the dressing room? You didn't have any etiquette is that what you learned for studying the hardest courses?" I scoffed and I heard him chuckled.

I don't like him. Come on Mikasa! You don't like him!

"Damn. You have a point. I apologize but I'm tired." He says as he started unbuttoning his long sleeves.

Shit. What the fuck is he doing?!

I abruptly shut my eyes as I looked anywhere in the room but I couldn't avoid it. In the corner of my eyes, I could still see him slowly taking off his white long sleeve from his body exposing his fucking more defined abs.


I bit my lip so hard as I repeatedly avoided staring in front of me but I couldn't help it. His body is fucking inviting. I wanna stare at it so bad.

"Put on some shirt. Your muscles are disgusting." I said as my cheeks heat up. Ohmygod. That's looks even harder than before and that fucking vline. Shit. I need to stop.

"Says the one drooling over my abs. Don't you miss it?" He asks and I glared at him.

"Not a chance." I said as I went to the cabinet and searched for a girl shirt or anything that can cover my body it will be fine!

I'll just call Kiyomi to hand my clothes or buy new ones. I picked a big white shirt. I don't know who owns this shirt but at this point, I really don't care.

"That's mine. Who said you can use it?" Eren says as he snatched the shirt I chose and I glared at him as I pick a new one.

"Tsk! I said who allowed you to use it?" His voice went deeper as he trapped me in his arms by the cabinet door.

"You don't have to ask that. Ask yourself why you didn't buy me any clothes." I said as I continued looking for a white shirt similar to what he took away from me because I like it's design.

"It's my fault now huh for being dumb and not bringing any extra dress hmm?" He asked in disbelief.

"Who is this fucking idea to begin with?" I snapped back at him.

He pinned my wrist suddenly as he smashed out lips together and I squirmed under his touch making my gown completely fall down. Fuck. I am naked except that my underwear is still on. This is embarrassing.

"You are getting into my nerves young Lady. I don't even care if you're a princess now." He says as he eyed me.

He claimed my lips once again and I didn't respond to any of it. I don't like it. He bit my lips and I was forced to open my mouth as I felt the pain stings on my lip. It felt number that I thought it's bleeding but thank goodness to my abilities, I could just heal it quickly.

"I didn't forget how late you responded to the vow earlier. Are you having second thoughts huh?" He says as his hand made its way to my waist and thighs.

He dared to fucking touch me and I could feel my body giving in like they have recognized it's owner's touch so much.

I squirmed as I tried get away from him but he gripped at my wrist tighter. He was strong shit. I can't.

I continued to squirm under him and he only chuckles at me. I needed to get away.

"Don't you love it when I do this to you huh princess?" He says as he gripped my boobs and I moaned a little to his touch. I felt like me body is in fire.

"Why don't we have our honeymoon baby?" He smirks as I managed to finally get to escape from his grip but he didn't let go of my other hand.

"Stop it Eren!!" I said as I tried pushing him away but his figure is not a joke. He fucking improved his body.

His abs are now in perfect place. He was strong. He even became a little bit taller than he was before.

"What? Don't you like it when I kiss you like this huh baby?" He breathes as he kissed my neck and I continued pushing him away.

"I said stop it! Where are your manners?!!" I said as I pushed him away but he didn't even move an inch.

"Talking about manners now are we? I didn't even know how many boys you've already fucked in 6 years." He says as he kissed me and a tear escaped from my eyes.

I escaped from his tight grip and I slapped him. My eyes are wide open as I made sure to surely slap the center of his cheek. His face got turn to his left side but he was still smirking.

"I can't fucking believe you." I said angrily as tears escaped from my eyes.

He stood there frozen not looking at me. I can't believe him. Maybe they are right. He is not the same Eren we all used to know. He's became a monster. He's cruel, heartless, a fucking jerk!!

I picked up my gown and any shirt I had picked and hurried the fuck out away from that room. I went to where I usually stay whenever we go there for a vacation. I locked the door behind me and cried so hard.

"Talking about manners now are we? I didn't even know how many boys you've already fucked in 6 years."

I never thought he could say something so horrible like that for me.

I didn't even fucking go out when I was in Japan and just focused on training, managing the business, taking care of my garden, or cutting my hair, or studying and he says something like that to me?!!


It pains me so much to hear it coming from the person I love. I could never betray someone I poured my heart and soul into. How can I?!!

I changed to his shirt and went to bed that night with a heavy heart. I cried all night as the thing he told me continued to echo at the back of my mind.

What have you become Eren?

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