Chapter 45: Last Night

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WARNING: Mature content ahead. Read at your own risk. You may skip this chapter if you like.


Mikasa's POV

"Wow! This tastes amazing darling. Did you make it?!" Carla kept on eating the food I made and I smiled.

"This is great Mikasa." Grisha says.

"Thank you. I just realized you two must be so tired of work today so I just cooked food while Eren was sleeping." I smiled as I looked over the guy eating beside me.

"I love this. Can you make some more soon?" He says as he reached for another rice. That's like his 4th extra rice for today.

I giggled at how cute Eren was. He loved my food I'm glad.

"Carla did you know that Eren has.." I started but Eren covered my mouth as his eyes widened.

What the hell? I was about to say something about Annie but he covered my mouth??!

"I swear to you that was like since high school! Jean did it!!" He says desperately and I laughed.

Eren gave me a weird look as Carla furrowed her eyebrows in visible confusion.

Omfg he is referring to the one I saw in his room the porn cover when I was just about to say that Armin called saying Annie was alive what the heck Eren?! I can't!!!

"Hmmm I hope you two are not doing anything stupid." Grisha says he eyes the two of us and I gulped. Carla laughed suddenly and we looked at her.

"Oh I know." Carla continued laughing but she balled her fists in front of Eren and Eren look like he is so done.

He glared at me and I tried to suppress my laughter.

Grisha has gone to bed early and so did Carla as I washed the plates with Eren. I stayed silent contemplating about what will happen next. I don't know what to say. I feel like a horrible person after this.

"What's keeping you silent?" He says and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh. Nothing I'm just really happy you liked my food." I said and laughed nervously.

"I can't wait for you to cook again. Can you cook for tomorrow for me baby?" He asks hopefully.

"Sure. No problem." I said smiling at him and he was so excited.


I feel like shit now and I don't want it.

"Good night Eren." I said as I opened the door towards my room.

"Good night baby. I love you." He threw a flying kiss at me and I acted like I caught it.

I sat down on the floor slowly as soon as I closed the door behind me.

I didn't pack anything. I don't want to being anything with me. I will everything behind because all of these were just given to me, it's not mine to begin with.

I checked my phone it was 11 PM already and I spent my time looking at all the photos I have in my phone. I laughed as I remembered the times but shed tears as I thought about what I will be going to do. I will all of this so much.

"I hope I can come back. If I can manage. I surely will." I said as my eyes scanned the wacky graduation photo I had with Eren months ago. We looked so happy that it broke my heart.

I changed it as my lock screen and turned my phone off. I will leave it here on my bed. I will not bring anything with me because I don't want to let go of my purpose of finding the ones who killed my parents.

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