Chapter 43: Heartbeat

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Mikasa's POV

"Honey wake up. We have work." I yawned as Carla opened up the curtains on my room's windows.

"Oh I'm so sorry Carla. I swear I slept early." I said as I hurriedly went to the shower and toon a bath.

It was the 2nd month after our graduation. Eren was busy reviewing for his lessons as he prepared himself to enter medical school.

Kiyomi was constantly calling me reminding that she will get me by the end of the 3rd month and also kept on checking how I was doing.

"I'm fine Kiyomi. You don't have to worry about me." I said as she continued talking on the other line and I nodded.

"I will. I have to go." I said.

I decided to help Carla on her business as I also reviewed my lessons in school to not forget anything. I have been thinking a lot at night lately. I always text Eren I love you before I sleep and he will respond in a minute or two.

He would sometimes call me even if I am just on the other room.

"I miss him." I muttered as I thought of the day getting nearer.

But I don't want to think about it just yet. I want to enjoy what I have right now before me. I want to clearly remember everything and everyone before my world will become new.

"Good morning Ma'am, Sir. How can I help you?" I was in charge of the sales on Carla's restaurant as it continued to grow.

"Carla. I can't believe you are finally expanding." I smiled as I looked at the other branch under construction. I am so happy for her.

"Yes. And it's because of you. You helped me a lot sweetie. This restaurant saved me a lot in our daily expenses." She chuckles and I cant help but feel sad.

"Carla, have I told you how of a good mother you are?" I said which made him surprised.

"Oh don't sat that Mikasa or I will cry." He laughs and it even made me worse.

"I mean it. I can't imagine life without you. I really owe you my life." I said.

"Mikasa what are you saying? Of course because no child deserves a shitty mother. You should know that. You will understand soon enough you will have a family." He smiles and I nodded.

"But really. I can't thank you enough. You and Grisha and Eren. You made my life wonderful." I flashed a smile and she hugged me.

"Stop saying that. You deserved to be happy." She pats my back.

Tears well up from my eyes and I blinked multiple times to hide it. Shit. I don't want her to see me like this or she will ask. I'm glad my tears didn't fall and I managed to stop it.

"Grisha. Can I talk to you?" I said as Eren and Carla were busy bickering about him skipping lunch earlier and as a punishment, he will be washing piles of plates.

"Sure. What do you wish to know Mikasa? Is it about science?" He says and I chuckled.

"No not about it. I know if I should really be saying this but I just want to say that you are a wise man for choosing Carla over your family. I admired you for it." I smiled and he stopped reading on the magazine he was holding as he looked at me.

"What gotten you into this?" He asked.

"Nothing Grisha. I just felt like saying that." I scratched the back of my head and smiled shyly.

"Mikasa you are a brilliant child indeed. To be honest I don't like you getting too cozy with Eren. I have looked at you like my daughter as well I hope you understand. I don't want our reputable family's name to get tarnished. I had enough of my father." He says and I nodded.

"I know. It's not like I am going to confess anything stupid. I really just want to say that." I smiled.

"Thank you child. How brave of you. Your father must be so proud." He smiles and I nodded.

So I found Grisha is also against us two. He doesn't want me and Eren together. But it's not like it mattered anyway now thinking what will happen soon enough, I just want to express how much I love them.

"Shit." Eren muttered as he dropped the spoon on the floor and it made a loud noise.

I picked it up and helped him.

He flashed me a tired look and I chuckled.

"Erennn.. I heard that. You better be careful with my utensils or I will kill you myself." Carla's voice boomed all the way from second floor and I tried myself not to laugh but failed.

"God. Stop laughing." Eren looked so frustrated as he looked at the pile of plates in front of him like it looked endless. These must be plates from the restaurant that Carla brought herself. My goodness.

"Do you want some help?" I chuckled and he pouted.

"Yes please." He says and I taught him how to wash the dishes fast. His mouth hanged open at how many plates I already washed in just a minute.

"I can do that too!" He challenged himself as he tried to imitate me but I still got it higher than him.

"Oh I take it back. This is worse." He laughs as he threw his hands in the air.

"What? You're giving up already? I'm just helping you. This is your job." I laughed and he nodded shaking his head.

He finished piling the plate and we're finally done. It was already 11 PM that he finished it.

"Job well done great dishwasher. It took you 2 hours." I laughed and he rolled his eyes at me as he stretched a little after he dried his hands.

"What did you just say?" He says as he looked over where I was and I snorted as I already searched for ways to escape.

"Ahh I feel so tired I want a massage." He says.

He went close to me and held my hand pulling me with him at the sofa and he laid down there.

"Where are I going to sit then huh? You are occupying the space you giant." I scoffed at him as he closes his eyes over there.

I almost shrieked as he held my hand and pulled me on top of him. Now I am laying dangerously on top of him not making a move as I looked at his face and he winked. I hit him and he just laughed.

"Stupid Eren." I said.

"Shhh..They'll hear you." He chuckles as I tried to sit up and felt him stiffed.

Shit. Wrong choice. I felt him there.

"This is your fault." I pointed at his heart and he laughed at how tensed I got I never moved again.

He put his hands on my waist as he traced my body figure and I stiffed. What is he doing?!

"You're the sexiest as ever. I love your body." He smirked and I hit him.

"Oww! What's that for?" He asked protecting his self from any punch I could throw on his chest.

"That's what you get for being a jerk." I said and he pulled me towards him.

I was laid flat on his chest and I could feel his heartbeat.

"Do you hear my heart beating?" He asks and I nodded.

"This heart only beats for you Mikasa." He says as he kissed my head and continued to caress my hair.

Shit. I could feel my heart shattering into pieces as I heard him say those words. I just want to cry and I tried so hard I even bit my lips just prevent my tears from flowing.

My love for him is too great. I think I would never find another like him.

I abruptly closed my eyes shut as I listened to the beat of his heart. I found myself getting sleepy when he put his hands on my back caressing me.

There's no place I want to be than being in this man's arms.

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