Chapter 37: Dress

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Mikasa's POV

"Can you come back until I graduate?" I pleaded.

Kiyomi said I will go to Japan next month but I don't think I am ready. To handle riches without any knowledge yet? I don't think I want to spoil what's given to me.

"I don't want to inherit it until I am ready Lady Kiyomi. I want to be responsible. I want to lead you properly if that is my fate. I want to prepare myself. I will not disappoint my grandfather." I sighed.

Kiyomi went to me and gave me a hug. She cupped my face and smiled.

"Do as you please Princess. But a promise is a promise. I will come back to get you. You can't escape your fate." She says and I nodded.

"I won't. And I will be worthy." I said.

They all bowed at me as soon as I entered the car. I personally asked Kiyomi to have me drive to my house with one car only. She even insisted to join me or add more body guards for my safety but I declined. I don't want Carla and Grisha or Eren to find out about this yet. I don't think they are ready to accept that I will be separated from them soon.

"Mikasa? Where have you been? We are sick worried." Carla says as soon as I arrived by the gate.

She welcomed me a hug and I hugged her extra tighter. She is a good mom for me and Eren. I will always thank her for everything she did for us.

"I just went to a birthday my friend asked me to. I already ate Carla don't worry." I smiled.

At the door frame, I saw Eren looked at our direction and then went inside. He was crossing his arms.

"Mikasa how was business school?" Grisha asks in the morning as he reads a newspaper.

Eren was beside me eating silently and Carla is still cooking.

"It was fine Grisha. Armin is still at the top I guess." I said.

"How about you son?" He asks the guy beside me.

"I still pass my subjects." Eren says. This guy took medical technology as prerequisite for med school. Thag must be tough.

"You will be fine son. The beginning is always the hardest. You will save more lives soon." Grisha says as he pats his back.

I smiled.

I hate Eren for leaving me hanging but he is still my family. I will miss times like this where I will spend my mornings eating with them just like how I used to back when my real family is still around.

I busied myself in the next years. It was tiring. I usually find myself skipping meals just to finish my paper works. Accounting sure is hell in business I can't wait to pass this fucking course and graduate.

"Mikasa. It's okay to take some rest you know." Carla says as she brought me a tray of food.

This is like the 5th time I skipped meals with them because I usually fall asleep later on without eating anything. I sure lose some weight.

"You look really stressed." She laughs as I smiled at her. Damn, must be my eyebags.

"I really still have to finish this audit report Carla." I said and I took a bite on the food she gave me.

"You sure are hardworking. It's okay if you will graduate without flying colors. I am already proud of you." Carla says which made me even appreciate her more.

I didn't know what get to me but I hugged her and cried. This course is depressing enough for me but I am thankful to have supportive mother like her. She patted my back as she whispered soothing words for me.

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