Chapter 64: Ring

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Mikasa's POV

"ARE YOU DONE KISSING MY HUSBAND?" I purposely made my voice loud and clear to get their attention.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" The blond girl asked irritated by me. As you should fucking hoe!

"Mikasa? What are you doing here?" Eren's voice was shaky as he got up from his seat and tried to get near me but I stopped him with my eyebrows raised.

"Mikasa..It's not what like what you think it is.." He started explaining but I didn't listen as I looked at the girl sitting on his table.

Someone give me a fucking samurai to kill this bitch because I am so angry!! First, was the grandpa outside this building and now? MY FUCKING HUSBAND?!!

"Eren. You seem so adamant, you forgot to buy insecticide. Look there's some pest on your table." I spoke referring to the bitch. My sight is definitely turning black in anger but I'm just holding myself.

"The pest who crawled to your husband? Sounds great isn't it Miss whoever the fuck you are always interfering?" The girl raised her eyebrows smirking and I swear I have never been this angry before.

"Be careful. You don't know who you're dealing with." I said and faced Eren.

"Mikasa. We didn't do it. She didn't even come close. Look at me." Eren was so desperate but I glared at him.

"Come with me." I spoke and went outside first slamming the door behind me. I swear, I heard something crack.

"Mikasa. You got it all wrong love. I swear I didn't let her touch me. She was too desperate she just went near me and I was about to push her away. That was because she was covering me you thought we we're doing something..." I didn't let him finish his sentence as I slapped him too hard even my palm hurts.

The mark from my hand went visible to his face seconds after and I swallowed the lump from my throat while my tears are falling. I have never felt this betrayed my entire life. JUST RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!


"Yes. Come on Eren. Just admit that we two kissed right in front of her. Is that too hard for you to say?" The girl went out as well.

The fucking audacity to speak in someone else's conversation.

"I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU BITCH. SHUT THE FUCK UP! LIAR!!" Eren growled as I went to the girl.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Traute Caven by the way." The girl smirked and I just want to wipe that smirk off her face.

"Did you have fun ruining my day?" I asked.

"Very." She replied and I slapped her back to back harder than Eren. I heard her almost crying in pain.

"That's for the disrespect for the old man outside even if he's your employee." I spoke and slapped her hard once again.

"And that's for fucking doing absolutely stupid with my husband!" I said and I cried right after.

Are you fucking kidding me. I regret going here already but at the same time relieved to know what happened. I really should just congratulate myself for finding out the things Eren can hide from me but shit. My heart hurts I can't fucking breathe and my tears are falling nonstop.

Eren tried to touch me and I pushed him away.

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN! You two should just go together." I said as I walked away from them.

"Mikasa..Please..Don't do anything stupid again..please.." Eren as he tried to stop me but I pushed him away.

"No!! You can't leave this place until we talk." Eren insisted so I thought of a better way to shut him up.

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