Chapter 1: The Wedding

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Mikasa's POV

"Awee it's Miss Ackerman who caught the bouquet!"

"Aish! That's not fair Mikasa!!" Historia hissed as she missed it. I laughed but deep inside I am nervous.

I can't believe it. I still caught Annie's bouquet even though I made myself scoot to the edge. This girl really wants something tonight huh? Might as well not ruin their wedding by making the bouquet fall. I sighed.

I caught Annie winked at me as I shook my head lightly. This girl. When will she ever leave me alone.

Everyone clapped as I flashed a small smile to them.

I saw Eren looking at my direction but I didn't look at him. I know he is watching all the damn time. Damn it!

I walked towards the chair for me as I carried the bouquet in my hands.

"Time for the next part!" The master of ceremony announced.

Great. It's gonna be that garter throw next.

The boys lined up and I laughed as Connie and Jean kept on pushing one another eager to get the thing.

Eren was there just standing behind them. He caught my eyes staring and I looked away immediately.

Shit. What is he up to?!

"On my count Mr. Arlert. 1..2...3!!"

Everyone cheered and was so excited to see the one who got it. Connie and Jean bumped into each other's forehead and laughed but Eren simply held it in his hand.

Well shit no.

For real?!!!

He made his way towards me and I felt my insides churn as he didn't leave his eyes off me.

"The one who caught it is Mr. Jaeger! Congratulations!! And we are set!" The host says as I caught Armin yelling and cheering for us with Annie next to her laughing.

Ahhhh this two!!! Just wait until this day is finished!

I was mentally panicking as a chair was placed beside me.

"Before the next part. The parents of the bride has something to say first."

The talking continued and I noticed Eren sat to the chair next to me holding the bride's garter which shall be put on me later. Oh God!! Can I like stay away from him 5 ft.?!

I looked away trying not to think about it. What the hell did I put myself into?!!

He was playing the thing on his hand as he suddenly looked at my direction. Not listening to all the talking in front. His eyes were on me. Holy shit.

"You seem nervous Mikasa." He says as he looked back at the front again and waved at Armin.

There he goes again acting all cool. I fixed my sitting position and cleared my throat.

"I am not. I am just not used to the crowd anymore." I acted calm looking afar but deep inside I just don't know what to do anymore.

Can I just quit? No. I don't want to ruin Armin and Annie's wedding. I have to do this shit. This two aarghhhh!!

"Thank you Mr. Leonhart, Mr. Grice. Now for the next part!" Everyone started cheering again as they looked at us.

I am doomed.

Eren slowly stood up and I felt my heart skipped a beat before it went into a race. I feel like I might get a cardiac arrest later. This is happening Mikasa. This is real. Ah shit!

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