Chapter 49: Offer

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Author's Note:

I'm really currently having a hard time how the heck I can possibly finish this story for 60 chapters when there are still a lot of happenings to unfold so I will be making it 70 because I love you all!! Omg! I'm really excited now!! This chapter is going to be my favorite.

I hope you all are still enjoying my luvs and stay safe! ♡♡♡


Facts about The Beautiful Tragic Us

1. Mikasa doesn't have a scar on her face. She is flawless since in this story, Ackermans have special healing ability. That does not preclude being immune to diseases like fever and etc.

2. Eren and his father are not in good terms since Eren found out about Zeke. Eren is also not listening to his grandfather since then.

3. Carla and Grisha are also not in good terms but rest assured, Carla remained nice to Mikasa. She also didn't hate Zeke.

4. Eren Kruger, Eren's grandfather is rich. He could rival Mikasa's grandfather's wealth.


Mikasa's POV

"Are you really sure you will go back to that place Lady Mikasa?" Kiyomi remained his head low as I the assistant helped me dress up.

"Yes. Now that I found out who are involved on this, I deserve to know the truth." I said, determined as months ago, I received trails leading to who was involved behind the killings of my family.

"What is all of this? Explain." I demanded as I the private inspector Kiyomi hired handed me pictures and documents.

My eyes widened as soon as I spotted the familiar picture of our grandfather, Eren Kruger.

"I am very sorry to inform you Lady Mikasa. That's the last thing we have gathered. The people involved on the killings for the late Princess' death are in here." The inspector says.

"What do you mean? Does Eren Kruger Jaeger has anything to do with this?" I asked.

"We are yet to confirm that. But we interviewed the family of the one who killed your family back that day. We have located where they are hiding. The wife said that the man was working on the Jaegers that time but she didn't know what kind of job the chairman told them to." He says.

I gritted my teeth in anger. Even if it's still unconfirmed, how can grandpa hide this from me?! I thought they love me as their family! Why did he hide the fact that a fucking criminal worked for him!!

I cried in anger as I remained silent the whole day and decided to go back to the place where I used to live.

"I have to do something. I will confirm it myself. I will face Eren Kruger Jaeger." I said as I angrily closed my room door.

"You stay here Kiyomi and look after everything while I'm gone." I said and she bowed her head.

"As you wish Lady Mikasa." She says as she bowed her head and I went inside the car.

Almost 6 years has passed but this place still hasn't changed a bit. I went to my old home where I built the mansion. I rested there and waited for the morning to come.

Because of what I find out, I realized I would also like to buy the land where my parents are being buried. I would like to transfer their remains and place them in a sacred sanctuary I will build soon. I can't stand seeing the family who ones made me feel like I was part of being the reason why I lost my family.

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