Chapter 57: Remember

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Mikasa's POV

"I can't believe we are complete today. This is the best birthday for me after years. I'm so glad that you are here with us Mikasa, Eren, Zeke..I couldn't ask for more." Carla cried as she welcomed the two of us.

She gave me a long hug saying how much she missed me and cried in Eren's arms.

"Mom, don't cry. Today is your birthday. You're ruining it." Eren said and Carla nodded apologizing why she cried. I just smiled at them.

"I really can't help it. Everyone is here. This is already more than enough." She said as she held the bouquet Eren bought for her and the flowers Zeke also bought for her.

I never thought I could come back to this house again. I looked at its view outside and sighed. I noticed Grisha coming over to us while Zeke was talking still talking to Eren.

"Eren, I'm happy that you came back home, my son." Grisha spoke as Eren faced him.

"I'm only here because it's my mother's birthday. I didn't come here for something else." Eren said coldly.

My mouth hanged open at Grisha didn't talk back but instead lowered his gaze. He looked like he was turned down. Eren held my hand and pulled me closer towards him.

"So everyone? What would you like to eat? I prepared a lot of food today." Carla cheerfully said as she motioned Zeke and all of us to go inside.

Grisha remained silent all the time as I made my way towards Alice, Zeke's white furred dog.

"Hello, Alice. It's good to see you back. I missed you." I said as I hugged the dog in front of me and she licked my face.

"Uhhh Zeke! Put your dog away will you. She's kissing someone's wife." Eren rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch.

He became grumpy as soon as we came here and he was met with Grisha. After being gone for years, I could say something really happened between the two that is still unresolved today.

"It's alright Eren. Alice doesn't bite. She's a good girl." I said as I patted the dog head few times and she barked.

"Ew. Mikasa. Don't come near me after you touched Alice. I don't want allergies." He spoke which made me laugh.

Since when did he became such a clean freak? I never knew about this since his room was so messy before remember.

"Hmm my little brother, I think Alice is pretty much more clean than you are." Zeke's laughter filled the whole house and Eren had to cover his ears, he was so annoyed.

I went to the kitchen to help Carla. The gift was left inside the car for a surprise. Eren said he will get it later.

"Carla, I want to help." I said as I tried to put the plates on the table.

"Mikasa, oh my goodness! A princess like you shouldn't be doing things like this. Just put it there I will do it." Carla laughs as she tried to get me to sit.

"Please, Carla. I am not a princess in this house. I am your daughter, you are my mom." I smiled at her and saw how her tears drop.

"Carla? Why are you crying are you okay?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, I'm just really happy that you are finally back here with us. I don't know what I'll do anymore if you really completely abandoned all of us my child. A lot of things have happened for years while you were gone." She smiled as she breathed heavily and I felt my heart getting squeezed each second as it became heavy.

"I'm really sorry for not saying anything to you or anyone Carla. I feel responsible for all of this. I am really sorry. I just don't want you to stop me and I could not know the truth behind my family. I am so sorry." I said as I looked down.

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