Chapter 60: Avenge

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Author's Note:

Sorry for the slow updates luvs. I'm working on something and I really got busy. I will update as soon as I finish this one.

Take care y'all and don't get fooled by alleged spoilers until the chapter officially comes out. ♡♡♡


Mikasa's POV

"Just take a rest today okay? I've got something to do first." Eren caressed my hair as I sat on the sofa inside our bedroom.

"Yeah. You look busy." I smiled as he started changing his shirt in front of me. I looked away blushing.

I should really get rid of this shyness now. We're already in good terms and we are husband and wife. I really shouldn't be shy from him.

"Yeah. I gotta take care of something first. Aren't you going to consult your company today?" He said as he successfully put his clothes on and was already putting his tie.

"Let me help you." I said as I went to him and did it myself.

Eren suddenly put his arms on my waist as he watched me quite amused.

"Quit staring at me." I said as I fixed his tie. What the heck?! Why am I shy to my own husband?! What the heck Mikasa!

And then I felt lips on mine making me shock. Eren suddenly pecked my lips making my eyes wide.

"You look really beautiful when you're serious love. I'm so happy that you're already here with me." He smiled at me and I think that was the sweetest.

My face is so red right now for blushing too hard. I am so flustered but I managed to finish his tie. Omg Eren I will have a heart attack on you.

"You're blushing. So cute." Eren chuckled as he opened his arms for me.

"What? No! You sure know a lot! I'm sure there were a lot of girls you dated." I said as he successfully embraced while I pinched his sides but he only laughed.

"What? I could never do that. They are not you love. I could never." He chuckled as he rubbed circles on my back.

"You better not! Because I haven't dated anyone either." I spoke and smiled as I hugged him back.

"Then we're even. I thought you already dated someone else. That shit would hurt I will curse you to death." He laughed and I looked at him.

I cupped his face and he smirked at me.

"So, do you take me as your wife?" I asked as I squished his cheeks.

"Oww! I think I already know who is the boss here." He hissed in pain as I repeatedly pinched his cute cheeks. This Eren is so cute.

"Right. So what's the answer?" I smirked as he grinned at me.

"Of course, I do!" He said as he flashed me a smug grin then went close to my face making our foreheads and nose touch.

"I love you Mikasa." Eren said like a whisper and the butterflies in my stomach are having a feast.

"I love you too Eren." I smiled as I looked at his lips.

"I never thought you'll come back to my arms again. I waited so long for you." He said as he touched my lips and traced it with his fingers.

"I know. I'm so sorry for leaving you. I'm just too afraid to drag you into this mess, I want to protect your safety. I actually want to know about my family's death and I know you won't allow me to leave so I kept it to myself." I breathed as I remember how I left them but ended up crying like a baby after I arrive in Japan.

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