Chapter 3: Where It All Began

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Mikasa's POV

"Ah, here they are." My Dad says as he stood up and made his way towards the door of our house.

We were having breakfast when we heard a knock on our door.

"Good morning Mr. Ackerman." A tall man wearing a formal attire with round glasses and a hat while holding a case came into view.

"Good morning Doctor Jaeger. How are you?" My Dad greets as he welcomed the man with a hug.

"Come in Doctor." My Mom greets smiling.

Doctor Jaeger is our family's Doctor. Whenever I have fever or anyone in our family gets sick, he will be the one to attend.

They are good friends with my Dad too. Now that my Mother is pregnant carrying my baby sibling inside her, Dr. Jaeger would drop by for a monthly check up and stay for a little while.

However, I saw an unfamiliar child with him today. I don't know him.

"Do you mind? I brought my son with me today. Eren boy come here introduce yourself to them." He says and I stared at a little boy in the same height as me.

"Of course Dr. Jaeger that is not a problem. I'm sure Mikasa is happy you brought her a playmate." My Dad chuckles as he look over me sitting beside my mother at the dining table.

I am just observing everything. He is wearing a thin coat while wearing a red scarf. I looked at him shyly. I bet he is shy too as he hid at his father's back but slowly went to my father.

"Hi. I am Eren Jaeger." He introduced himself and shook hands with my father.

Doctor Jaeger laughed as he found his little son amusing.

"Well I hope you two will get along well." Dr. Jaeger says.

I stared in awe at Eren. He looks like he is angry all the time. I saw how his expressions changed, the way he ate his food in front of me as my father invited them to join us in breakfast. There is something about him that I just want to stare at.

"You are Mikasa right?" Eren asks.

I nodded my mouth still half open. His eyebrows met while looking at me. I looked shock I really don't know what to say.

"Do you want to play with me?" He asks his face still unhappy.

I am starting to think he doesn't want to play with me. He's just forced.

"Yes." I said. But he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to somewhere while running.

I almost tripped at how fast he ran towards the hill where a beautiful tree is situated surrounded by flowers of different colors but mostly blue, white, and yellow.

"We should rest here." He says as he suddenly lay down the grass and butterflies fled around.

I looked in awe at the place. It looked so ethereal, so magical. This isn't far from my home but I have never been here before until he arrived.

I slowly sat beside where he lay down.

"My name is Mikasa Ackerman. I am 8 years old. How about you?" I started talking as I looked down to him.

"My name is Eren Jaeger. You can call me Eren. I am 9." He says as he closed his eyes trying to sleep under the big tree where we rest.

"Eren. Do you have a sibling? I will be seeing my sibling soon!!" I cheerfully said to him but he shakes his head.

I found myself relaxing and feeling to open up with him. I can sense that I can trust this person. He is my first friend after all aside from my doll.

"I don't have one. Mom is always busy with her restaurant." He sighed and I cooed.

He looked so cool with just resting there. I smiled at the sight. Something about it is so relaxing. The winds blew and the flowers danced gaping at the angry sun above.

"What do you usually do everyday Eren?" I found myself questioning.

"Nothing. I always hang out with my bestfriend Armin. He is so smart. He has a lot of books in their house." He suddenly sat up which startled me.

"That's right! I should introduce you to him next time!!" He cheerfully says and I smiled.

"Sure. I will ask Mom and Dad if I can come with you." I smiled beaming at him. My eyes forming crescents.

I have never been to the city. I don't know but for some reason, my family decided to stay away from the crowd especially now that my mother is pregnant.

We always moved houses and our home today is where we resided for 5 years said my Dad and told me not to talk to strangers if I ever encounter one.

"I hope they will allow me. I have never been to a city before Eren. What does it look like?" I gaped at him as I waited for an answer.

He explained it to me and I was amazed. I wish to see the thing called ship. The aircrafts. The police and the cars. The malls. Everything is nice there he says.

I caught him finally smile. He was excited too.

"Just say that my Dad is going to watch over you. I'm sure that will be okay!" He cheered as he climbed the tree and sat at the huge branch in there.

"Eren come down or you will fall." I called out to him but he didn't move.

He even climbed further but the small branch which he grab suddenly fell making him fall to the ground.

I hurriedly went to him worried.

"Eren are you alright?" I asked him shaking him a little but he didn't move. I panicked.

"Eren.. Eren..Wake up!" I shook his head and suddenly got flipped over as he hover me.


"GOTCHAAA!" He suddenly tickled me and I laughed as we both fell to the ground.

"Are you okay Eren?" I asked worriedly as I checked his elbows for scratches.

"Of course I am fine! I am invincible." He suddenly moved up and strikes a weird pose and I laughed.

He sure is too enthusiastic. And a great actor.

"Don't forget what I told you before. Make sure to come! I will show you what the city looks like." He says as Dr. Jaeger called his name and I nodded.

I waved goodbye to them and he looked back waving. The sun was setting as they walked towards the direction where they came from.

I smiled. I hope he comes back soon. Or even tomorrow. It's nice to have a friend.

"Did my princess finally had fun?" My Dad went to hug me and I nodded.

"Eren is funny and he knows a lot. I like him. He is my friend." I smiled at my father and we then went inside.

The dark came and I sat in front of the mirror, my mother is behind me as she brushed my long raven hair.

"I am happy that you finally have a friend Mikasa. Be sure to be a good one." She hums and I smiled staring at the mirror in front of me.

"Of course I am mother! I like Eren. I hope he comes back!" I smiled cheerfully as she laughed behind me.

"Oh so do you have crush on him?" She asks and I looked at her.

"Mom, what is crush?" I asked not knowing about it and she smiled. I turned back around.

"My dear, you still have a lot of things to learn. I will teach you everything." She smiles and I nodded smiling at her.

She giggled and I didn't really know what she meant.

That night on my bed instead of sleeping early, I pulled the sewing box inside the cabinet and started to make a doll that will look like him.

"Mikasa. You have a new friend and that is Eren Jaeger." I giggled as I placed the unfinished doll beside my doll who looks like me.

The one my mother made before as she taught me how to do it.

I closed my eyes and drifted to dreamland holding his hand in mine as we went towards the tree on the hill full of flowers again.

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