Chapter 17: Don't want

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Mikasa's POV

His lips taste like mint but his tongue feels so hot I can't help but close my eyes. He kissed me softly as if I could break in an instant as he held my waist in his arms.

He pulled away and rested his forehead in mine. I gasped for air unable to speak. I felt my face heat up suddenly embarrassed about what just happened.

He chuckled as he caressed my hair and I look up to him.

How did he do it? Without having second thought?

"This is by far the best day ever! You don't know how happy I am Mikasa." He smiles as he said those words and he walked towards the parking lot.

His hands made its way to my mine as he pulled me towards that direction.

He opened the car door for me which he never did before. That surprised me.

"Eren..I could do it." I smiled at him. Blush creeping its way to my cheek but my hands are shaking.

"Just let me." He chuckles and I nodded.

I hop in and he went to the other side. I looked outside and saw some students started to come out of the building. I suddenly became silent.

"Are you okay?" He broke the silence making me look towards his direction.

For a moment I felt lost. What if someone saw what we did earlier? What will people think? For the eyes of everyone I am an adopted daughter of the Jaegers.

"Yeah. I'm just..." I played with my hands as I looked down to my seat.

When Eren kissed me, I didn't think about anything. But that was like few minutes compared to what I felt aftermath. I felt horrible. I feel like everyone could judge us. Now I am nervous if anyone have seen us.

"You're worried." He said. Not a question but as a matter of fact.

"Eren..I'm sorry.. I could have given you something and not that.. I really am.." I said my shoulders shaking as tears suddenly began to fall out of my eyes.

I feel like I am dragging him down with me to hell if this will get worse and I don't want that. I want him to be happy without other people's judgment just because of me.

"Mikasa.. Don't regret about things that made you happy." He sighs as he reached for me.

He embraced me with his arms once again as I tried myself to stop crying. He whispered soothing words to me as he continued caressing my hair and back.

"Eren...I like you... not just a are someone I adore so much.. ever since I first met you..." I managed to say in between hiccups.

With the words I said, he stiffed and waited for me to talk more.

"I've been hiding this from you ever since but I like you so much. When you wrapped that scar around me, I could never see life without you." I continued. I felt him move a little.

We broke the hug and he wiped my tears. He smiled at me slowly as he nodded.

"I believe you Mikasa. You don't know too but I really like you. I never met anyone attractive anymore other than you. I can't stop thinking about you." He says which made my mouth hang open.

I covered my mouth as I gasped. I cried even further. Is this real? Why is it making my heart even bleed further?

"I feel the same way. I know what you are thinking. I thought about it a lot too and I just can't do it." He sighs heavily as he looked at me. Tears started to brim on hid eyes but it didn't fall.

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