Chapter 13: The Day

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Mikasa's POV

"What time will your event start again dear?" I hurriedly put my things on my bag as Carla cleaned the table.

"1 PM Carla. I have to go. See ya later!" I waved at her as I picked up my cheerleading uniform.

"Bye. Love you!" She threw a flying kiss as I hurriedly went to Eren's car.

"You're so slow. Come on." He then started the engine and I rolled my eyes at him.

I slept late that night and I was too preoccupied to overthinking that I forgot to set my alarms. I was panicking when I woke up.

"I REALLY THOUGHT I'M GONNA BE LAAAATE!!" I pulled my hair and tried to relaxed as I tie them. I'm so stressed.

"That's what you get. You're probably texting someone late night." He mumbles and my eyebrows met.

"What do you mean?" I asked not being able to understand.

"Nevermind." He replied.

I fixed myself and did my breathing technique. Everything is going to be fine. Calm down Mikasa.

Luckily Eren sped up so we didn't come late on this day. I mentally thank him. I should cheer on him later. Remind me my angels.

"Good luck Eren. I'm rooting for you!" I cheered at him as soon as we arrived.

"Sure grandma! You better cheer for me." He winked and chuckles and he went to where the boys are.

I headed to the back stage already.

"Good. We're all set. Now give it your all today! Let's practice one last time!" The coach says and I nodded.

"I have a feeling." Sasha says as she stopped eating her potato crisps.

"Don't. Because I know your instincts are pretty correct Sasha." I said and she nodded.

"Okay all of you just leave your bags there and let's go now to the stage." The coach orders and we all went up.

The stage was designed with colorful decorations. Starting from middle school down to seniors year. Each level has a different color respectively and each logo. It was so cool. I feel like watching Harry Potter, no more like Black Clover anime.

Everything looks so lively and I can feel the excitement welling up inside of me. Let's fucking go!

As soon as we finished the last practice, we then followed the coach to the backstage and found her screaming as our cheerleading uniform got messed all over the place, tattered, ripped, everything unusable.

"NOOOOOO!!" The coach screamed.

Historia cried and everyone felt down already about to quit. I felt like my blood left my body as I even saw my untouched clothes sprayed with blue color. We even paid high for this. This is devastating.

"Isabel." I mouthed as my hands balled into fists.

I felt like crying but I know that is not an option now that few hours later, we'll be presenting.

"What are we going to do now? We don't have anything to wear!" Historia cries as she threw her pompoms on the floor. Everyone was about to leave any minute. The Sophies could no longer be proud of us.

We could never use yellow this time. It broke my heart as well. I wiped my tears as I came up with an idea.

"I have an idea." I said.

Everyone gathered as the coach listened to me.

"I know everyone feels sad because of this but we have no choice. If we can't fight, we can't win." I yelled at all of them as they nodded.

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