Chapter 34: She's Gone

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Author's Note:
I apologize for very slow updates my lovely readers, I hope y'all are in good health. I'm about to enter the final phase in this semester and everything is just too tiring. I'm so happy to announce to y'all that I did win!! I couldn't believe it too lmao. Also, my grades this sem is excellent I'm speechless. Hope you guys won't stop believing that hard work forever pays. ♡♡♡

WISHING I HAVE PLENTY OF TIME. Stay hydrated y'all. I miss Eren Jaeger everyday btw. Janae!

A/N pt. 2

So like I said I was busy but guess what? I got exempted in uni semifinals exam and so here I go. *evil laugh*


Mikasa's POV

It has only been months since the school year started and Annie became part of our circle. I personally like her. She is a good friend. It first started with a dare and Armin finally admitted that they were dating. I have thought about my relationship with Eren too, maybe our friends will understand? But I don't want to sound clingy. I know our situation too.

Everything was well until strange things started happening inside our school.

"Annie? Are you hurt? Are you okay?"

I was about to go to the comfort room when I heard Annie's scream so I went to her and found blood, odd things on the mirror. My eyes widened. This is horrible. The one who made this is evil. That was the second time she was receiving threats.

"Did you have someone hating you before you got here?" I asked Annie but she said she never did anything wrong to someone.

That's what alarmed the whole school. The days passed and just when we arrived at home, I received a call from Annie.

"Annie? Why are you....what?!" My voice boomed inside the house and Eren stood up.

My hands got shaky as Eren went to me.

"Did something happened again Mikasa?" He asks.

Even Carla and Grisha got alarmed.

"Annie...She said someone called him about Armin." He too froze as he held my hand towards the door.

"Mom we're going out again."

"But you two just came home?" Carla sense something and she's right.

"Armin might be in danger." Eren said and Carla nodded alarmed but praying for a safe trip for us. Grisha was there left frozen.

"Annie..Calm down first. Where are you now? We'll pick you up. Text me your address." I said as I dropped the call.

"What the hell is happening. I am the one who gets into fight but why is Armin dragged into this mess?" I saw veins in Eren's hand.

I placed my hand on top of his hand as he drive.

"Let's just pray Armin is safe Eren." I assured him but he was driving fast now.

"I really hope. I don't know what I'll do if something happens to my bestfriend." He says and I squeezed his hand.

We picked up Annie and went to the direction of Armin's house. She was crying nonstop worried and I was assuring her and Eren drove fast but the car stopped on the way there in the middle of the highway.

"Did you know what caused this traffic sir? We're in a hurry." I saw Eren yelling at the other driver beside him asking.

"Oh there was a car accident a while ago. I think it's a van and a red car." The stranger said and my heart stopped beating.

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