Chapter 66: Turmoil

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Mikasa's POV

"Yes. It's me." 

I woke up to Eren's voice. Someone must have called early in the morning. Who could it be? I rubbed my face and covered my body with duvet. I am still sleepy and tired.

"I didn't receive a call from him too either. Is he in his old house?" Eren's voice was starting to get serious.

What are they talking? Is it Carla?

"Maybe he just hanged out with his friends or went to a vacation. But without informing you?" He asked. He was massaging the bridge of his nose. He sure looks problematic.

What happened?

"Okay. I'll try to call him too. Bye Mom." He spoke as he slowly puts his phone down.

He was still shirtless but he was wearing his pants. His hair was nicely combed in a bun, the kind of look that he does when he is in deep thought. He looks worried.

"Good morning." He greets as he went back closer to me and I smiled.

I welcomed him with a hug as soon as he plopped down to bed. He rested his head on my legs covered with duvet and pretended to fall asleep.

"Was it Carla? It's too early." I spoke as I tried to kiss his hair.

"Zeke didn't come home for 2 nights now. At first, Mom thought it was understandable on the first night, maybe he just hanged out with his friends but she called his phone countless of times and she couldn't get an answer. She was worried." He explained and I too went silent.

Why would Zeke not answer his phone? Did something bad happened to him?

I don't want to make Eren worried so I won't say anything yet. We don't know where Zeke is right. Maybe the best way to do first is to find him. I will gladly help.

"They already contacted the police and they are already conducting the search. I just hope nothing bad happened to him or anything." He said and I breathed. He's having a lot lately and this came up. I want to be the one to uplift Eren and support him in his battles especially like this.

"I will tell my men to look for him as well." I spoke.

"Mikasa, it's alright. I'm sure the police is already doing their job. Besides, I don't think Zeke is the type to start trouble. He's smart." He said and I agree.

"But you still need it. Just let me, Eren. Zeke is like a big brother to me too." I spoke and he looked at me.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He said and smiled.

I blushed smiling and looked away.  He laughed at me and I pinched his cheeks. He still does have this effect on me. This sucks!

Even if we're already married, have actually slept together and did all that stuff but I'm still shy. What the heck is wrong with me?!! Urgghhhh! But at least I made him laugh.

I called Kiyomi to bring me some men to search for Zeke while Eren is taking a shower. I called his phone too multiples of times but he wouldn't answer.

"It's your turn now babe." He spoke as he went out from the bathroom half naked looking so fresh and I have to hide my drool.

I'm a simp for Eren that's for sure.

"Uhh yeah. Sure." I gulped as the towel hanged dangerously to where the obliques meet his transversus abdominis muscles as he dried his wet hair.

Holy shit. I should just stop fantasizing about him and get a hot shower!!

"Heyyyy! Earth to Mikasa." I saw a hand waving in front of me and I was shocked how the hell did he got here already??

"You were staring too much babe haha." He chuckled as he tried to kiss me and my eyes widened immediately pushing his face away.

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