Chapter 65: Trust Me

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WARNING: Mature content. Read at your own risk. You may skip this chapter if you like.


Mikasa's POV

"You can't kiss me." I spoke as he trails his fingers all over my face.

"And why not?" He asked tilting his head. There was a small smile tugging on the side of his lips.

"Because you kissed a hoe! I don't want to kiss a nasty mouth Eren." I reasoned.

"I already told you that girl didn't even kissed me but did you listen? You even threatened to throw our wedding ring huh?" He furrowed his eyebrows. I was certain he got mad at me because of that but I was just too carried away by anger I just want to be alone that time.

"What proof can you show me that you two never really kissed huh?" I asked irritated. Come on! Show me how you solve this case Eren.

"I never really thought you could be like this. Damn. I'll get you a copy of the CCTV footage yesterday. Do you still want more proof?" He sighed and I was still seriously looking at him.

I went silent for a while and thought about the footage. I don't like to see it too because it's hanged somewhere in the corner and the angle, no, it won't help. It will only look like they really are kissing and I don't want to see it.  I only saw that Caven girl's back earlier completely hiding Eren but she was tilting her head so I presumed.

"Don't you trust me Mikasa?" Eren caressed my hair.

"Can you be really trusted? You even keep secrets from me. So that was how your day goes on that office huh? That's the reason why you got so busy? How many times did that girl get close to you?" I looked at my side avoiding his gaze. I think I'm going insane with my questions.

I really can't get that scene today out of my mind. Can I really trust him again? Or I'll end up like Auntie Lydia?

"I just met her really. She was supposed to be a new shareholder but I decline it after what happened earlier. I swear I didn't kiss her or what. Why would I? I don't want a fucking slut in my company." He looks so pissed either.

"But you enjoyed it." I said and his mouth went hanged open.

"Whatttt? No! Oh my God. Why would I Mikasa? It's not you. I already have a wife. Plus I only love one person which is you." Eren abruptly closed his eyes and sighed.

"You're only saying that to make me feel better when you really are reconsidering to choose me as your wife." I said still not looking at him.

"Look at me. Look into my eyes. Am I lying?" Eren said and I frowned.

"No." I spoke and he sighed as he kissed my forehead.

I know. I'm glad. But I still hate that bitch and I would never forget about that.

"Then. Are we okay now babe?" Eren said as he touched my body and his hand went to my thighs slipping underneath the dress.

Ah shit. I forgot.

I am actually exposed because of what I did earlier. I moaned as I felt his fingers on my folds.

"Hmmm look at who's getting loud." Eren chuckled as he kissed me rough. I kissed him deeply as my hand gripped his hair.

"Ahhh Eren.." I moaned as he bit my lip and inserted his tongue inside my mouth. He tasted my hot cavern as he puts his fingers inside and out of me.

I felt my body jolts in pleasure as volts electricity traveled down my spine to my nerves.

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