Chapter 27: Act like it

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Eren's POV

I didn't know where it all started but I have always wanted to be the one Mikasa sees.

I remember when we were young and it was raining too hard. I heard her scream from her bedroom because it was a stormy day and she has a fear of thunder and lightning.

"Mikasa? Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" I continued to ask her as she didn't stop crying at all.

I was panicking. I don't want my family to think that I was not able to help or play with Mikasa. I don't want them to get disappointed.

Sure, I am a trouble maker as I always protect Armin from his bullies but I will always save my softness for Mikasa. But most of the time, I really keep it all myself and act as coldly as I can towards her.

"Eren...I'm afraid.. The lightning...It's so scary.." She said in between hiccups as she tried to wiped her tears.

"It's okay Mikasa. I'm here." I said as I wrapped the red scarf around her.

"Really? You won't leave me?" She asks as she stopped crying and I nodded.

"I will protect you from that scary lightning hehe" I said enthusiastically as I did a superhero pose.

"Woah.. You are so brave Eren! I want to be like you." Mikasa smiled softly but I could still see her shoulders shaking a little.

"Come here. If you want a hug, I will be your teddy bear." I grinned and she had sparkled on her eyes as she nodded.

Mikasa had a terrible past. Because of what happened to her family, I promised to protect her with all my life. There's something inside me telling that I should be the one taking care of her. I need her. I can't live without her.

As I grew up, my grandparents taught us our family's beliefs and tradition. The Jaeger family is primary concerned to reputation. My grandfather owns a business and my father who have always wanted to be a Doctor pursued his dreams that he didn't go after the company. That made my grandpa disappointed thay he gave a little share of his wealth to my father.

My mom isn't rich either as rich like our clan as she works hard on her restaurant and my dad who built his own hospital from scraps of share he got from his father. Now he is eyeing his grandchildren this time.

"Eren. You bear my name, your grandfather, you have to follow this as a clan heir in the future. The rest of your cousins, even your adopted sister is a girl. There's no way our family will allow them to rule." My grandfather Eren Kruger Jaeger commands as we have gathered for a family reunion.

"But grandpa.. I don't think I deserve to be an heir. I am not a genius like my bestfriend Armin or as diligent as Mikasa. I'm just ordinary." I reasoned out.

"No, you are not Eren. You will later on realize that. You are built different." He says.

I just finished primary school that time when it happened and I didn't know having an great responsibility for your family is a great burden.

"Eren..You have to cheer up. You are still young and you have yet to learn. I will help you." Mikasa cheered me up as soon as we arrived at home that time.

"Kids. I just hope you remember what your grandpa tells you. I don't want you to suffer the same fate as me. Am I understood?" Grisha says towards me and Mikasa and we both nodded.

From then on, I have always looked up to not from my mother and father's expectations but to my grandfather.

"Grandpa..I'm so dumb in school. I cant be genius like dad." I said one time unable to handle the pressure.

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