Chapter 54: Babies

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Mikasa's POV

"What the hell was that?!" I screamed at him as soon we arrived back to his wide room again.

"Relax. The baby will get stressed." He chuckles as he unbuttoned his polo.

"Eren I am not kidding!" I said as I angrily looked at him.

There he goes again. Throwing his shirt anywhere and every time he wants flashing those muscles and packs of abs in front of me. I felt my face heat up as I tried avoiding his gaze.

"I'm not kidding either." He says as he stared at me from the bottom to the top. I gulped.

What the fuck is he doing?

"Why did you took off your shirt? You look like a gorilla now. How unsightly." I spoke as I covered my eyes.

"Oh the Princess is mad." He chuckles as I heard his footsteps coming closer at my place.

Shit. Again?

I looked back at him again and he was close to me now. He stared at me and I felt the tiny insects in my stomach again going berserk. He slowly moved closer and rested his head on my shoulder. I didn't move as I tried catching my breath and my heart is beating rapidly.

"I didn't sleep really well I'm tired." He says as I let him rest his head on my shoulder.

I sighed as I knew the reason. I see. He regrets what he said before. I didn't know but it felt like something is hugging my heart.

"Mikasa, I'm sorry." He spoke softly and I could feel my self relax.

Can he stay like this forever? Calm and talks his heart out towards me? That's all I ask.

I felt the urge to hug him so I did. I patted his back first few times before I completely embraced him.

I heard him sigh heavily and I felt like crying. This feels so nice. This is my first hug from him after all these years.

"I'm sorry." He says again and I rubbed circles on his bare back.

"I understand. I apologize too, Eren." I said and he hugged me tight.

I closed my eyes as I felt his warm embrace. Oh how I miss this so much I felt like everything is alright. Everything is on the right places. Eren feels like I'm home once again.

He broke the hug and looked into my eyes as he cupped my face. I smiled softly at him as he did the same. He slowly leaned into me and I closed my eyes anticipating for a kiss.

When suddenly his phone rang out of nowhere completely destroying the moment.


I abruptly shut my eyes in embarrassment as I rubbed my face. Ah shit. Wrong timing. I heard Eren muttered curses under his breath as he angrily went to where his phone is located and answered it.

"Yes." He says calmly but his skin is actually getting redder at how angry he is.

"I know. I'm coming home later." He says as I eavesdrop.

"Good bye and don't ever call again!" He said as he inhaled deeply and threw his phone on the bed.

I slowly went to him. He look so stressed.

"Who called?" I asked making him look at me.

"Just Zeke. He just reminded me that today is Mom's birthday." He said as he smiled at me.

He sat at the bed and I slowly went to where he is. Shit. Why is my heart beating like crazy but just also wants to feel Eren's warmth again?

"Sit on my lap." He says as he pats his lap.

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