Things That Annoy Me :~)

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The things that annoys me the most. I have like alot of things but i'm just going to say some main things that annoys me. And i'm going to list them right about now



No no just kidding. 

Number 1. Ok so when you're at a concert and you are really excited to see your favourite band or artist and you could not contain your excitement then some girl who thinks she has the most loudest voice screams her lungs out. And guess what, she happens to be sitting right next to you. Even when an advertisement comes on she would scream and scream and scream, i mean where does she even put it all. Also when someone who is in front of you and they stand up when everyone else is sitting, like um excuse me but i need to see as well. 

Number 2. I just hate it so much how a teacher says 'put your hands up if you know the answer' and then you don't put your hand up but the teacher picks you anyway. Like what's the point of asking us if we know the answer when you're just going to pick someone who doesn't. Are you just saying it because you like talking or you just want to torture us with your voice. Aren't you suppose to be the teacher? And don't say you're asking us to see if we listened because you'll know if we listened or not in the test. 

Number 3. Don't you feel annoyed when a teacher asks the class a question and you have an answer in your head but your to afraid to say it because you think you might get it wrong. Then another kid says the answer you were thinking of and they got it right. And then your like 'damn it! i lost my chance of being smart.'

Number 4. I don't know about you but i feel so special when someone tells me their problems because it's like they trust you and it's a good feeling to know that someone trusts you. Until you find out that they practically told your whole class. Then i don't feel special anymore i feel annoyed.

Number 5. This one is probably the most annoying thing ever. It's when the fake girls in school pull out the dumb card. They act like they were born yesterday, actually no their even worse because if they were smart they would know that everyone hates people who play dumb. And i'm just sitting at the back trying so hard not to go up to them and slap them across their face. Like some people actually wants to learn, not to hear your super annoying voice. 

Number 6. Homework on weekends? I say you can kiss my ass homework. Isn't five days of school enough, let alone having homework on the weekends to. Us students have a life to if you didn't notice. 

Number 7. One of my favourite part of life is when you get to sit in a car or a bus and just stare out the window having your earphones on, but it's not my favourite when people in the car talks to you constantly and you give them one word answer, and hoping they will the message but nooooooooo they don't so they keep talking. And then your whole 'listening to music session' is ruined. 

Hey hey hey (tryin to be Krusty the Clown) anyways i'm glad that i got another chapter up and i know that this one is different to most of the other ones but it's good to have a change once in a while. 

"Life is short so smile while you still have teeth" 

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