Don't let them get to you :)

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So this chapter is a little bit related to the last chapter which talks about snobbish people and ignorant people.

I just want to tell you guys that if you ever come across one of those people then just ignore them.

Honesty it will make your life easier and happier if you just ignore them and not let them get to you.

If they make a smart-arse comment about you just ignore them, I know that makes you look weak but ignoring them is the best thing to do because you're showing them that you're more mature than that and it shows that you don't care what they think.

If you react to whatever they do, they're going to keep on doing whatever their doing because they know that it's getting to you so don't let them trick you.

I have let so many snobbish rude people get to me, and honestly it ruins my day and I really don't want that to happen to you guys. So just be happy and live life for all its beautiful and positive characteristics and ignore the negatives.

It's not worth it to have your day ruined by someone who thinks their top shit so don't let them get to you, it's seriously not worth it at all.

We have to show them who's boss hahaha but seriously show them that you're the better person who doesn't give a shit about them and what they think.

"You can let your smile change people but don't let people change your smile"

Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a bit all over the place and I'm sorry but I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas! :) and also have a Happy New Year!!!!!

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