Don't Change >:)

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In my opinion i think that different is beautiful, different is special, different is unique and being different is awesome because if you're always trying to be like someone else you're just as plain as them.

Don't let anyone put you down when they say that you're weird, emo, or ugly because first of all being weird is not bad at least your not being plain and boring like everyone else, secondly what's wrong with being emo? It's just who you are, also at least your not some fake bitch because that's the worse and lastly you are not ugly, if anything your better looking than them, don't put yourself down because your looks define you and it's just who you are. Your parents gave you those lovely features and you should be proud of it.

No matter how many times you have heard this, you need to understand and realize that other people don't matter. What matters' is how you feel and also be comfortable in your own skin. Don't change for the worse just because someone is forcing you.

We all want to show everyone that we are not weak so let's stand up for ourselves and don't let anyone run us over. They're not wearing your skin so i don't even see the reason why they need to even judge.

You all deserve to feel beautiful and someone should do something about it to make you guys realize that you are so worth it. Your worth so much, never think less of yourself.

When i finish this book, my only goal is to at least make one of you guys realize how beautiful you are. Like i said before, being different is great because not only are you doing yourself a favour but your doing everyone a favour too by not being a plain boring person.

I know that i can't stop anyone or make them listen to me but when you let someone change you, make sure that you don't turn into someone that you'll regret being in the end. Always think of the consequences and what's going to come.

The point of this chapter is that i want you guys to know that just being yourself is good enough, you don't need to be someone else that your not just to fit in. I can tell you now that 91% of people wants to be different than everyone else and the other 9% just wants to be plain, lets not be that 9%. Also even if you want to be plain then that's perfectly fine as well, i'm not going to stop you because if that's what makes you happy then go for it. This is all about making you happy and feeling comfortable.

All i want is to make you guys happy, that's the main reason for this book's existence. I want you guys to feel relaxed and stressless when reading this and to know that everything will be okay. :)

"Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option- Maya Angelou"

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