Being Successful :$

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In our life we have people telling us what to do and how to act and just overall controlling our lives.
Don't let them. It's your life, do whatever makes YOU happy.

People judge us just because we failed something whether it's a test, or because we failed at doing things that most people can do. It doesn't matter if you fail because failure is a part of life, everyone has failed once in their life so it's okay.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm not saying that failure is a good thing I'm just trying to say that it's okay to fail once in a while. But if you really believe in yourself and you set your mind to do something then I can guarantee you will pass and succeed.

You can not succeed if you're just going to sit on your couch the whole day and do nothing, because life is to short to be doing nothing. We all should enjoy it and do something worth while.

Nobody is going to come up to you and give you a gold ticket pass to be having a good life, you have to work for it. People always say that 'the hardest working people are the ones who deserves the best prizes.'
And I absolutely agree with that, I mean why should a person who just sits on their butt all day get all the luxury things that other people work hard for? That's not fair.

We all are the same and we all have brains so why not use it? Instead of using someone else's.

There's nothing better than to have the feeling of doing something successful. Don't you just love the feeling when you do something great all by yourself?

If you want to make your life a better one than YOU have to do something about it not your friend, brother, sister, cousin, nan, pop, aunty, uncle, mum, dad, dog, cat, fish, elephant. But you. Everyone else is already busy sorting out their lives so it's not fair for them if you just let someone else do your job.

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow, if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." - Brian Tracy

HELLO GUYS! (Don't mind that)
This one is a bit short but I promise next week will be better, it's just that today I spent on doing my math notes and science homework for the whole day and my brain is so mushed up right now. But I wanted to update this week because I don't want to miss a week again. Seeya soon!

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