Crushes :3

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Having a crush is perfectly normal, we are human after all so to have a crush on somebody is normal. 

My first ever crush was probably in year 3. There was this guy that I liked and all that jazz but the down side was that he was dating my best friend. I kept on telling myself that I could not do that to my best friend so I tried to stop liking him and so eventually I did. I realize that if I could forget about him so easily then he wasn't meant for me anyway. 

If you guys have a crush on a guy or a girl don't let that feeling go away until you give it a chance because you never know they might be the one and you might regret that you didn't act on your feelings. I'm no love doctor but I had enough experience with crushes to know that nothing goes in your favour if you don't act on your feelings. 

I'm not saying that you should go up to your crush and shove a ring on their finger and say that you're married to them (that would be funny though). I'm saying that you should start to befriend them, be it either start talking to them on Facebook, say hello to them, or just giving them a smile. It's better than just sitting on your bum and doing nothing about it. 

I know that I'm a hypocrite because I have a crush on a guy but I'm to scared to do anything. The reason why I'm writing this chapter is because I don't want you guys to feel like there's nothing you can do you know?, I want you guys to be confident and happy. My brother told me that if I don't do anything about it then the dream that I want will never come true. 

Also to all the girls out there don't be scared to start the conversation because we can't expect the guys to do everything right? You gotta give it to them because doing these kind of things takes a lot of guts. 

I'm also planning to start talking to my crush when it's his birthday because then it'll be less awkward I guess. The moral is just don't be scared. If you get rejected it's fine because it's the cycle of relationships, sometimes you lose some and other times you win some. 

Don't be superstitious guys (that was totally random). But seriously if you have a crush and you're seriously a superstitious person then stop being superstitious because it doesn't help you it actually brings you down and it makes you feel like poop/terrible. 

Have a good week guys and I'll see you next Sunday :D

"We meet no ordinary people in our lives. If you give them a chance, everyone has something amazing to offer." 

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