Putting the effort in :|

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Let me just start off by saying that I hate the types of people who act like snobs, I don't like the fact that they are cocky and ignorant.

The people who acts like a snob expects everyone else to make an effort to talk to them whereas they don't make the effort to talk to other people.

It's not fair for other people to have to put up with the crap that you have. Honestly that's probably the type of people that I hate the most because they think they're all top shit and stuff but in reality they're just normal as everybody else so I don't see why they have to degrade others.

It just bugs me so much that there's people out there who disrespects others, that's just not fair.

If you expect to have respect from others then you have to treat others with respect first.

Some people out there just thinks that they are the queen or king or something because they expect to be treated like one, but news flash they're not, we all have to work hard to earn respect and likeness of others.

If someone treats you bad or they disrespects you in any way then don't put the effort in trying to be nice to them because they don't deserve your kindness so don't waste it on people who acts like a snob.

I know this saying has been said before but you should surround yourself with people who cares about you instead of being with people who doesn't give a shit about you.

It makes life easier if you just ignore those people and just be with the ones that make you happy.

"When you're angry, you have the right to be angry but that doesn't give you the permission to degrade others and treat them like shit"

Okay, I know that the picture above has nothing to do with this chapter topic but there's only 5 more days til Christmas!! :D

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