Best Friends ;D

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Best friends means more than anything to me and i trust my friends with everything, they are always there to help you through your time of need, they give you the best advice they can think of to help you solve your problem. Over all best friends are just a missing puzzle that you need to complete your life. 

But there is always a but that comes with the bad things. Sometimes the best friend doesn't turn out to be as good as you thought but that's okay because we learn from mistakes. 

Best friends are hard to find but once you meet the right one you know that all the wait and brokeness was worth it. You look out for each other and protect each other from all the jerks and bitches out there. 

Some may put up an act at first and lure you in at the end, but you would do anything for them because you have fallen for their trick, it's okay though because like i said before best friends are hard to find especially loyal and trustworthy ones. 

Some of the signs in telling that the person is not really the real friend is when they constantly insult you and call you names that they know would absolutely hurt you. I mean of course best friends has to call each other names like "hey bitch" or "what's up hoe" that's acceptable because being best friends won't be real if those words aren't used. But if they constantly insult you and pick out all the flaws you have, and keep mentioning it to everyone then that's a no no. They should know when to stop and when it's acceptable. 

Also when that person is constantly asking you to 'borrow your things' and never giving it back or they keep looking at your work cause they need 'help' but in reality they are just using you so they don't have to do the work. 

Now this one is a no go zone, when the person keeps on talking about themselves and would always compare themselves to you and saying that they are better. That just pisses me off so much because every person should feel special not be put down to their 'suppose to be' friend.

Also don't ever be friends with somone who ignores you and pretend that you are invisible and seeing you as the wind just swiping by when they are with 'better' friends than you. And when you are alone with them they act like you are the most popular person on earth by talking with you and linking arms and all that crap.

But in the end there are still loyal and trustworthy friends out there and i am truly grateful for those amazing people. 

"Sometimes the person doesn't turn out as you imagine them to be so expect nothing and you will never be dissapointed"

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