Never Take Things For Granted ;)

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You never know how bad or good things are, when it comes and hit you.

We always take things and never realise how lucky we are to have those things while so many other people are not as lucky as us.

Sometimes we take take take and never stop to think how blessed and grateful we should be until it's to late.

For example, when we use water we never really think about the day when there is no more water left, we don't think about the outcome or the consequences. What I'm saying is that when people don't need an amount of water they just chuck it out, but we don't really stop and think that someone out there really needs that drop of water. We can not take water for granted because maybe one day there's no more water left and we'd be regretting every single little drop that we wasted.

It's not just water but there's also food, our friends and family, the freedom to choose, and most importantly your life. You need to take care of yourself because you can only live once and don't take it for granted. Don't take the risk of being sick or to be in a dangerous situation where you can die because it's not worth it.

Just be grateful for the things you have and for the people who cares for you. Millions of other people would do anything to be in your spot right now so let's not be snobs or anything like that and let's show them that we are thankful and blessed.

Every time you feel like you don't need something or you don't want to let something go to waste then give it to someone who would die to have it. Let's help each other out because everyone deserves to have a good life.

If you help someone out it's only a matter of time that you'll get something good in return and even if you don't get something good you'll still feel great about yourself for making someone's life a little more better.
"That breath you just took........that's a gift - Rob Bell"

🍘Heyyyyy it's been quite a while since I've last updated and I am so sorry but never fear because this is a new update for youuuuu ;)
Okay I'm going to stop being annoying now. I'll see you guys next time. Byeeeeeee

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